Information access, governance and feedback
To promote open, accountable, fair and effective government in NSW, members of the public have a right to access government information.
Agency guide
The department brings together specialists in diverse planning, housing solutions, and infrastructure across the state.
The department complies with the requirement under Part 3, Division 2 of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) to have a guide that describes:
- Have your say on formulation of Government Policy
- Information held by the department
- How to access information
- Disclosure log
Our annual report summarises the Department of Planning, Housing and infrastructures activities and performance from 2023–24 and is available in two parts as:
- Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure Annual Report 2023–24 Volume 1
- Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure Annual Report 2023–24 Volume 2
The previous annual report summarises the former Department of Planning and Environment activities and performance from 2022–23 and is available in two parts as:
Our disclosure log is a record of information that the department has released in response to a formal access application from an individual or organisation that the department believes could also be of interest to other members of the public. The department will include only non-personal information on the log.
The department has a wide range of services, therefore there is no single guarantee of service. If you would like to know what the department’s guarantee is for a particular service, visit the relating service portfolio and contact directly through the portfolio site.
Our policies set out how we work at the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure. The Code of Ethics and Conduct, along with our policies, are used by our staff in their day-to-day operations. View all our policies and protocols.
All sponsorships by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure will be evaluated using the DPHI sponsorship checklist and supported by a briefing note.
In assessment of sponsorships DPHI considers alignment with business priorities, value for money and cost benefits.
This procedure complies with all aspects of the NSW Government Sponsorship policy.
Sponsorship partners | Sponsorship activity |
Yabun Festival 2025 | Yabun 2025 |
East Coast Conferences | NSW Coastal Conference 2024 |
Museums of History NSW | Sydney Open 2024 |
Nedd's Uncomfortable Challenge Pty Ltd | Nedd's Uncomfortable Challenge |
- Policy and legislation documents
- Disclosure logs
- Contracts register (eTendering website)
- Annual reports and Corporate Plan
- News
- Development applications and associated documents
- Major projects register
- Documents tabled in Parliament
- Documents relating to the internal administration of the department
- Appointments to various official positions, such as boards and committees
- Correspondence
- Public registers under Acts administered by the department
- Licensing information
- Local, regional and state plan-making information
- Spatial information, using lidar and/or satellite imagery
- Reports, fact sheets, guidelines and manuals
- Briefing
- Submissions
- Grants and agreements
- Practice notes
- Records of meetings with external stakeholders and community members
- Boards and Committee Minutes
- Funding Programs.
For assistance in finding information, you can contact the specific department portfolio or contact the Privacy and Access to Information Unit on 02 9860 1440 or
A list of all contracts entered into by the department worth more than $150,000 can be found on the eTendering website.
A copy of any contracts the department has entered into that has a value of $5 million or more, (minus any confidential information such as commercial-in-confidence provisions of the contract), can be found below:
- ArcGIS Software and Maintenance Services 2023-2028 renewal (PDF 4.39MB)
- Rouse Hill Deed of Acquisition and Compensation (PDF 2.53MB)
- SDLAM Engineering Services Design Engineer (PDF 1.71MB)
- SOPA Premises Lease (PDF 20.27MB)
Disclaimer: The above contracts are scanned documents. If you require assistance, contact the department's Information Access team
Under section 18(g) of the GIPA Act and clause 6(2) of the Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2016, the department is required to provide open access to the following government information:
- a list of the department’s major assets, other than land holdings, appropriately classified and highlighting major acquisitions during the previous financial year
- the total number and total value of properties disposed of by the department during the previous financial year.
Major Assets and Disposals – Open Access Disclosures – Financial Year 2022-23 (PDF 3.75MB)
Privacy statement
Our privacy statement sets out the department's practices relating to the privacy of your personal information. The department's privacy practices are regulated by the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) (PPIP ACT), the department's Privacy Management Plan (PMP), and the department’s data breach policy.
The department will only collect personal information for a lawful purpose which directly relates to our primary function as a NSW Government agency and for obtaining feedback about our services. The department will not collect any more information than is necessary for it to fulfil these functions.
The department will not disclose your personal information to anyone without your consent, unless legally required to do so.
Anyone engaged to collect, store or use personal information for the department will be required to comply with the PPIP Act and the department’s Privacy Management Plan. Service NSW provides services to some customers of the department on our behalf. This Privacy Statement along with the Privacy Management Plan applies whether services are provided directly by the department or by Service NSW.
Please note that the department does not have any responsibility for the privacy policies or practices of third party sites linked to this website.
The department complies with the mandatory notification of data breach scheme, which came into effect on 28 November 2023. Our procedures and practices for complying with our obligations under the scheme are set out in our data breach policy and privacy management plan.
Where a breach of privacy has occurred, and the matter has been assessed as likely to cause serious harm to any individual, the department must notify any affected individuals (an “eligible data breach”). Where notification is not possible or practical, a public notice must be published and publicised by the department. Any such public notices will also be listed on our website here.
There are currently no public notices of eligible data breaches by the department.
When you submit a form on this website (such as via Feedback or Contact us), or provide information as part of using an online service, we collect information from this activity. This information may include personal and organisational details such as your full name, phone number, business name and ACN details, email address and street address. This information allows us to properly look into an issue you raise, or to respond to your feedback.
Clicking on the 'submit' button on the form acts as your consent for the Department to collect the information you have provided. Before you submit this information we will take reasonable steps to inform you of:
- where applicable, any law that requires the particular information to be collected
- which fields are mandatory and which are optional.
When you make a submission to the Department we collect your personal information, including:
- name (including title)
- address
- email (if provided)
- internet protocol (IP) address (if the submission is made online)
- any other personal information contained in a political donations disclosure statement (if provided)
- any other personal information contained on your submission.
Making a submission is entirely voluntary and you are under no obligation to provide the Department with any of your personal information, except as otherwise required by law.
How will your personal information be used when you make a submission?
We may publish some of your personal information online, including:
- your submission
- your name (unless you state that you want your name withheld)
- your suburb
- any political donations disclosure statement.
We may publish any personal information you have included in your submission on a proposal. Do not include any personal information in your submission that you do not want published.
We will use your contact details to send you notifications. For example, where there is a statutory requirement to notify submitters that an application has been determined.
Your submission may be published in reports, or other documents that are produced following the exhibition period.
We may forward your submission and personal information to the Planning Assessment Commission if the proposal has been referred to them. The Commission will use your contact details to notify you of any public meetings scheduled for the proposal. The Commission may publish your submission on their website, or in a report in accordance with the Commission’s Privacy Statement.
We may forward your submission to third parties including other public authorities, Government agencies, local government, or to an applicant. There are statutory requirements to forward submissions on some applications to these third parties as part of the assessment process.
Gifts, benefits and hospitality register
The department proactively discloses the gifts, benefits, and hospitality offered to our employees, to the value of $50 and over.
The register records the name and organisation of individuals who make offers of gifts, benefits, or hospitality to departmental employees. Be aware of this when considering offering any gift, benefit, or hospitality to a public official.
Report serious wrongdoing
The department has zero tolerance for fraud, corruption and other forms of serious wrongdoing.
If you suspect fraud, corruption or any other type of serious wrongdoing by an employee or other person working for the department, we encourage you to make a report.
Third-party lobbyist
The department recognises the need for important decisions to be made in an open and transparent manner, without any undue influence, or the perception of undue influence, by external parties.
The department is required to comply with the Lobbying of Government Official Act 2011 and the related NSW Lobbying Code of Conduct which provide a framework for managing interactions with third party lobbyist and business contacts.
For more information, request a meeting or view the lobbyist contact register go to Third-party lobbyist.
General feedback and complaints
To maintain and improve the quality of the services we provide, we are committed to addressing feedback and resolve complaints fairly and thoroughly.
If you have a compliments, complaints, or general feedback, email your details to Your feedback will be sent to the appropriate team for action. We will acknowledge your feedback within three working days with further details.
Complaints are handled in accordance with our External service related complaints policy.