NSW Rental Commissioner

Learn about the work we’re doing with tenants, property providers and industry to deliver a fair, quality and affordable residential rental experience in NSW.

Houses in leafy suburb

What we do

We're creating a better residential rental experience for people in NSW, collaborating across government, industry, renters, and property providers to make improvements for a fairer and more modern rental market.

Working within Fair Trading, we advise government on risks and opportunities to improve the quality and supply of rental homes, modernise renting laws and promote the rights and responsibilities of renters and property providers. 

We provide support and an oversight of tenancy information, the portable bond scheme and bond management, education services, dispute resolution, investigations, prosecutions, and compliance.

The Statement of Expectations – Rental Commissioner (PDF 152.01KB) from the Secretary of the Department of Customer Service outlines the expectations of, and priorities for, the Rental Commissioner role as well as other responsibilities and governance arrangements.

Couple inspecting a house with real estate agent.

Our work

Making renting fair
  • Providing recommendations to improve renting laws and regulation. 
  • Overseeing and monitoring the effectiveness and impact of rental reforms. 
  • Promoting rights and responsibilities for tenants and landlords. 
  • Regulating compliance with rental laws. 
Improving the quality of rental homes
  • Championing and enforcing quality standards in rental homes.
  • Sharing market insights, trends, and best practice.
Examining supply and affordable rental housing
  • Examining the rental market and making recommendations to improve affordability and supply. 
  • Promoting diversity of supply and tenure security in the rental market 
  • Designing and implementing a portable bond scheme.


Interview with Trina Jones, NSW Rental Commissioner

Working together for change

Trina Jones, the first NSW Rental Commissioner, tells us how she intends to drive lasting change.

"As Rental Commissioner my first priority is to focus on policy changes the government has committed to, including:

  • ending no grounds evictions,
  • making it easier to have pets in rental accommodation, and 
  • protecting the data and privacy of rental applicants."

Watch our interview with NSW Rental Commissioner Trina Jones.

NSW Rental Commissioner Trina Jones

Trina Jones is working to drive change for a fair, quality, and affordable renting experience in NSW.

She has more than 15 years’ experience leading responses to complex social issues including housing affordability, homelessness, community safety, food insecurity and drug and alcohol use in Australia, the UK and Ireland.

Trina’s leadership positions as CEO of Homelessness NSW, Deputy Chair of Homelessness Australia, and in local government give her a deep understanding of the complex challenges to deliver quality, safe and affordable homes for all.

Trina seeks to work in partnership with renters, property providers, industry experts, advocates and community leaders for greater impact, informed by those with lived experience to develop innovative solutions resulting in lasting system change.

Trina holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communications (BA) and a Master of Arts in Community Development (MA).

“My mission is to amplify the voice of renters, working with renters and landlords to improve renting in NSW. ” Trina Jones, NSW Rental Commissioner.
Image of NSW Rental Commissioner Trina Jones

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