About our healthy living services
Living a healthy life means making good choices regularly. We want to make those choices easy by creating environments that support healthy living.
We organise programs in schools and early childhood services to encourage healthy eating and staying active, setting the stage for habits that last a lifetime.
Working with communities, we ensure there are affordable options for physical activities, especially for those over 50 or those who haven't been active for a while.
Getting the right education and information is important for making smart choices about what you eat, your physical activity, smoking, or taking care of your mental health.
Eating healthy and staying active
Eating healthy food and staying active is important for good health and wellbeing. We're passionate about helping our communities gain the knowledge and skills they need for healthy living.
Fuel for your body – eating healthy
Whether you want to boost your fruit and vegetable intake or find fresh recipe ideas, we offer a variety of programs to help you, your family, and your community.
Healthy eating is more than a weight loss diet; it's fuel for our bodies. Just like a car needs the right fuel for best performance, we need the right foods to fuel our bodies. Eating healthy daily can help you:
- prevent illness and disease, from heart disease to the common cold
- increase concentration at work, school, and home
- support healthy bones and muscles throughout life
- achieve and maintain a healthy weight
- nourish your skin, hair, and nails
- improve mood and boost energy.
The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating offers general advice to help you choose a wide variety of nutritious foods every day.
Healthy Beginnings provides specific healthy eating advice for mothers and parents through a range of booklets across several stages.
Great reasons to get active
Staying active involves many ways of moving, such as formal exercise classes, organised sports, playing games, walking, gardening, and housework. Regardless of your age, we offer programs to support increased daily movement.
Your body is designed to be up and about and will reward you with:
- strong bones and muscles
- improved mood
- healthy development and growth
- maintaining a healthy weight
- better sleep
- assistance in preventing or managing various illnesses or injuries.
Healthy living programs for children
We offer many programs to help families get healthier. If it's eating well or staying active, there's a program just for you.
Our Health Promotion team is teaming up with schools to make sure there are more healthy food choices in these places.
Kids get lots of messages about unhealthy food every day, and it's confusing for them to know what's good for them. Having healthy options in school canteens helps kids pick what's good for their bodies.
View or download our report on the early school canteen menu support program (PDF 2.19MB) and our animated video. The video talks about the good things about healthy school canteens and celebrates that all public primary schools hit the goal of having a healthy canteen.
Healthy school canteens in Murrumbidgee LHD
Read transcriptResults of healthy canteen evaluations
We have summarised a range of projects that have supported aspects of Healthy Canteens through these evaluation snapshots. If you have any questions, email mlhd-hp@health.nsw.gov.au.
- Canteen Coaching Project - Final results 2021 (PDF 570.34KB)
- Murrumbidgee Regional High School - Achieving the Healthy Canteen Strategy (PDF 1.09MB)
- School Canteen Operations Coaching Project (PDF 629.13KB)
- Canteen Coaching Pilot Project Evaluation infographic (PDF 245.53KB)
How we can help
Live Life Well at School: We support canteens to meet the NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy through this program. For more information on Healthy School Canteens, visit the NSW Healthy Canteens website.
Healthy Food Finder: Visit the Healthy Food Finder website for help in picking healthy foods for your school canteen. It lists foods as Everyday or Occasional and tells you if they meet the criteria for the NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy.
We all want our families to be healthy and well so we can get the most out of life!
Our lives are busy, and it can be difficult to get healthy and stay healthy.
Unfortunately, there are no quick fixes and sometimes there are challenges to overcome. Over time, if you do lots of small positive things for you and your family's health, the benefits will follow.
A range of resources are available to help you gain better health for you and your family. You can also look at our other programs to help improve your health.
Healthy eating and active living resources
Resources are available in many different languages visit Healthy Kids for Professionals.
- Go4Fun - a free 10 week program for children aged 7 -13 years
- Healthy Habits and a healthy weight resource
- Healthy Habits for 2 - 17 years
- Healthy Habits for 12 -24 months
- Healthy Habits for 0 - 12 months
Limiting small screen recreation
Read transcriptHealthy lunches
Read transcriptGet active each day
Read transcriptFor clinicians
For more resources that you as a clinician can use with families visit Healthy Kids for Professionals. These additional resources include:
- guides to measuring and weighing children
- growth charts
- posters about weighing and measuring to use in clinics or practices.
Murrumbidgee LHD's Health Promotion team work with schools to deliver Live Life Well @ School. Our aim is to get more students active more often, while promoting healthy eating habits. It is a whole school approach to living life well.
Key messages for Live Life Well @ School:
- get active each day
- choose water as a drink
- eat more fruit and vegetables
- turn off the TV or computer and get active
- eat fewer snacks and select healthier alternatives.
Live Life Well at School in action at Gundagai South Public school
Read transcriptBenefits of Live Life Well @ School
There are many benefits of the Live Life Well @ school program.
These include:
- helping schools reach their wellbeing goals of their students
- helping connect with the wider community about health and wellbeing
- improving student academic performance and behaviour in the classroom.
Schools will receive:
- help to develop and implement Live Life Well @ School action plans
- teaching resources including lesson plans, training opportunities and incentives
- help for school canteens to implement a healthy canteen
- nutrition and physical activity strategies for the school community
- sign up to our Live Life Well @ School Mail mlhd-hp@health.nsw.gov.au
For more information, visit Live Life Well @ School or if you would like your school to get support contact mlhd-hp@health.nsw.gov.au
Programs within Live Life Well @ School
Crunch and Sip
Crunch and Sip is a classroom-based activity where students eat fruit or vegetables and drink water during class time. For more information, visit Crunch and Sip.
Healthy School Canteens
We help canteens to meet the NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy. For more information, visit Healthy Canteens or Department of Education Healthy School Canteens.
Vegetable Week and the Big Vegie Crunch
Vegetable Week is held in Term 1 each year and aims to increase students’ knowledge, exposure and positive attitudes towards vegetables. Visit Vegetable Week and the Big Vegie Crunch to register.
Ride and Walk to school day
Riding and walking to school is an everyday activity that keeps the environment and us healthy. Visit Ride 2 School Day to register. Walk Safely to School Day is 20 May 2023. Visit Walk Safely to School Day for more information.
Physically Active Children in Education (PACE)
PACE supports teachers to increase their scheduling of classroom physical activity. It has been developed to help more children reach the physical activity guidelines to be healthier. To find our more mlhd-hp@health.nsw.gov.au
Flora and Fauna Friendships
Explore and learn about Bush Tucker through curriculum linked lesson plans, Flora & Fauna Friendships: Identifying and Supporting Interactions Between Plants & Animals from an Indigenous Perspective.
A combination of animations, Indigenous perspectives, Wiradjuri language, and investigative activities allow students to understand what bush tucker is and how it can grow.
The learning package was developed by Mark Saddler, a Wiradjuri Man, and Dan Bakker, teacher and permaculturalist, supported by Murrumbidgee and Southern Local Health District Health Promotion teams.
Access more resource information using this link Flora & Fauna Friendships (PDF 5.57MB)
Additional resources
Fast Starts - games resource for teachers
NSW Premiers Sporting Challenge
School Sport - NSW Department of Education
Murrumbidgee LHD's Health Promotion team works with early childhood education and care services to deliver the innovative, fun, games based program, Munch & Move.
Key messages for Munch & Move:
- encourage and support breastfeeding
- choose water as a drink
- choose healthier snacks
- eat more fruit and vegetables
- get active each day
- turn off the TV and get active.
Support for Munch & Move
You can sign up to our Munch & Move mail for access to the latest information about new resources, funding and programs that can help your service. To sign-up or for support contact mlhd-hp@health.nsw.gov.au
A range of training resources and opportunities are available:
- Training courses for educators, cooks and families. To learn more visit Munch & Move or contact mlhd-hp@health.nsw.gov.au
- Munch & Move eLearning training package. To find out more visit Munch & Move.
- Staff development kit. For more information visit Munch & Move.
- Caring for children - two week menu cycle planning tool. For more information regarding the self-paced webinar contact mlhd-hp@health.nsw.gov.au
- Healthy menu planning online. For more information visit Munch & Move.
Resources and initiatives for educators and cooks
Munch & Move policy templates
There are three policies we encourage services to adopt as part of Munch & Move.
These include:
- Breastfeeding policy
- Nutrition Policy
- Physical activity and Screen time policy.
Sample policies are available at Munch & Move for you to use as a starting point for your service policy.
Additional Munch & Move resources
There are a range of Munch & Move resources for educators working in early childhood education and care services and family day care to help with the Munch & Move key messages. Some of these resources will also help playgroup facilitators and parents/carers to support healthy eating and active play.
- 24 hour movement guidelines for children
- Eat for Health - Australian dietary guidelines
- Feed Australia - Early Childhood Service menu planning tool
- Jack's FUNtastic Day book
- Jack's FUNtastic Day - educator resource book
- Munch & Move - resources for playgroups
- Caring for children 0-5 years resource
- Kindy orientation For presentations and resources contact MLHD-hp@health.nsw.gov.au
Swap it has a range of factsheets, resources and ideas for healthy lunchboxes ready to download in other languages. These resources are easy to use at home or in the classroom.
- Eat Healthy
- Healthy lunchboxes
- Lunchbox checklist
- Healthy Lunchbox Information
- Australian guide to healthy eating
- Healthy Eating in Australia - Healthy Lunches
- Select Healthier Snacks
- Healthy Drinks and School Lunches
- Healthy Eating resources for:
- Healthy Drinks (Sorani)
- Healthy School Lunches (Sorani)
Simplified Chinese
- Understanding Food Labels
- Australian Guide to Healthy Eating
- Healthy Lunchbox Information
- Healthy Lunchboxes
- Choose Healthy Snacks
- Choose Water as a Drink
Healthy living programs for adults
We offer programs to help you get healthier. If it's eating well or staying active, there's a program just for you.
The NSW Get Healthy Service offers free health coaching and information over the phone to help you become and stay healthy. This service is available to all people in NSW aged 16 and over.
Get Healthy Coaches can assist you with:
- eating healthy food
- being active at home
- drinking less alcohol
- choosing healthier habits
- how to achieve your health goals
- getting past what might have stopped you reaching your goal before
- health information and tools.
It's crucial to stay active, eat healthily, and lead a healthy lifestyle. There are various programs to match your needs, such as Type 2 Diabetes Prevention, Aboriginal program, Alcohol reduction program, Chinese coaching, and Stepping On program graduates (falls prevention program).
Health coaching is available from 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday, at a time that suits you. Register now, and a health coach will call you within 7 days.
Success stories
Since 2009, more than 112,050 people have participated in the Get Healthy Service. You can explore some of their inspirational stories by visiting the Get Healthy Service website.
For individuals
If you want support to make healthy changes like eating better, moving more, cutting down on alcohol, or having a healthy pregnancy, the Get Healthy Service is here for you.
What you get:
- your personal health coach
- a free and private phone service
- guidance and coaching to develop healthy eating and exercise habits
- up to 13 calls over 6 months at times convenient for you.
All from the comfort of your own home.
Get Healthy: General self referral
Read transcriptHealth professionals
If you're a health professional and want to refer your patients to the service, you can:
- use the referral form to the Get Healthy Service or
- if you have any questions, contact us on 1300 806 258, Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm.
If you're expecting a baby and want support to eat well, stay active, or avoid alcohol, the Get Healthy in Pregnancy Service is here for you. Just ask your Midwife or Doctor to refer you or sign up online today.
Visit our Pregnancy, birth and baby page for:
- understanding your pregnancy care options
- tips on what to bring to the hospital when having a baby
- guidance for friends or family members when visiting.
How the Get Healthy in Pregnancy Service helps you
What you get:
- your personal health coach
- a free and private phone service
- guidance and coaching to develop healthy eating and exercise habits
- up to 13 calls over 6 months at times convenient for you.
All from the comfort of your own home.
Sign up to the Get Healthy in Pregnancy Service.
Get Healthy in Pregnancy
Read transcriptSuccess stories
Since 2009, more than 112,050 people have participated in the Get Healthy Service. You can explore some of their inspirational stories by visiting the Get Healthy Service website.
Health professionals
If you're a health professional wanting to refer your patients, use thereferral form. If you have any questions, email the Health Promotion Team.
We're offering healthier food and drinks at our places. As a health provider, it's our job to show how to make good choices.
We're making it easy to choose healthy food and drinks in our places like:
- cafes and cafeterias
- vending machines and fridges
- kiosks, coffee, and snack carts.
Here's what we suggest:
- pick water as your main drink
- enjoy lots of healthy food options
- go for sugary or fatty foods only now and then, and in smaller amounts.
For more info about Healthy Choices, email mlhd-hp@health.nsw.gov.au
Why Healthy Choices in Health Facilities
More than half of adults and almost a quarter of kids in NSW are overweight or obese. This raises their risk of heart issues, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and other diseases.
No sugary drinks
'Healthy Choices' is just one way we're working on health and well-being in NSW. Some other programs include:
- Live Life Well at School for primary schools
- Munch and Move in early education and childcare places
- Healthy canteens in schools and sports clubs
- Get Healthy and Get Healthy in Pregnancy
- Make Healthy Normal education and info campaign.
The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating helps us know what foods are best for us.
Now, food and drink places will be more in line with the Guide by offering:
- more 'everyday' healthy options
- higher-quality food and drinks
- smaller portion sizes
- promoting everyday healthy foods.
Where Healthy Choices apply
These rules only apply to food and drinks sold in health places. They don't affect the food for patients or stuff brought from home.
Help for vendors
We've got materials for your shop to encourage healthy choices. These help customers:
- ask questions
- give suggestions
- make comments or complaints.
Healthy Food Finder
Use the Healthy Food Finder to check if your foods fit the criteria. It's updated regularly, and if you can't find something, you can ask for it.
Healthy Food Information Service
Call 1800 930 966 or email healthyfood@health.nsw.gov.au during business hours for support with Healthy Food Finder or other 'Healthy Choices' questions.
More information
For more information, email mlhd-hp@health.nsw.gov.au or get the toolkit.
Healthy living programs for older adults
We offer many programs to help you get healthier and achieve your wellbeing goals. If it's eating well or staying active, there's a program just for you.
Staying active as you age is vital for good health and preventing falls. Affordable physical activity programs run in our local communities each week, led by trained volunteers—perfect for beginners or those less active.
With over 90 classes weekly, you're sure to find one near you. Visit the Active and Healthy website to find your local program.
Exercise program options
A range of exercise programs are available including:
- Tai Chi
- Gentle exercise
- Aquatic exercise
- Stepping On.
How to get involved
- Visit the Active and Healthy website to find your local class.
- Email mlhd-exercise@health.nsw.gov.au or call 0409 781 326 for more information.
- Download a Participant Registration Form (PDF 197.74KB) and bring to your first class.
- If you have health concerns, see your doctor.
Leadership opportunities
Are you interested in becoming a volunteer Physical Activity Leader in your community? All expenses covered.
Contact us if you:
- are enthusiastic about the wellbeing of your community
- are prepared to commit to 40 classes per year
- are comfortable presenting to groups and working with older people
- are prepared to undertake first aid training every 3 years.
If interested, email mlhd-exercise@health.nsw.gov.au or call 0409 781 326.
Staying active and on your feet
The Staying Active and on your Feet resource has:
- home exercises
- healthy eating tips
- footwear, mobility, eyesight, continence advice
- medicine advice
- health and lifestyle checklist
- home safety checklist
- useful contacts.
Looking after your mental health
Beyond Blue has mental wellbeing support service and a range of helpful resources. Visit the Beyond Blue website for more information.
Adventures of Bruce and Betty
Follow the Adventures of Bruce and Betty with tips on how to stay healthy.
How to eat well
Adventures of Bruce and Betty - How to eat well
Read transcriptHow to reduce risk of falls
Adventures of Bruce and Betty - How to reduce risk of falls
Read transcriptHow to stay sharp
Adventures of Bruce and Betty - How to stay sharp
Read transcriptHealthy Ageing Online Learning helps you make small changes to improve your health and wellbeing.
You can now access the Healthy and Active for Life Online program content as Healthy Ageing Online Learning. Learn about healthy eating, getting active and falls prevention at your own pace from the comfort of your own home.
You can access:
- eight online learning modules with quizzes
- two online exercise programs designed for beginners with videos so you can follow along at home
- fact sheets with helpful tips and information
- an exercise manual and logbook with images and easy-to-follow instructions.
Explore each topic on the Active & Healthy website to learn more.
Have you had a recent fall or worry about falling? Stepping On is a free local program that lasts for seven weeks. It's designed to help you learn skills and knowledge to prevent falls, so you can stay active and independent.
If you want to be more independent and do everyday activities with confidence, sign up now.
How Stepping On helps you
Stepping On teaches you simple ways to stay safe at home and when you're out. You'll also learn easy exercises to make your muscles and balance stronger.
Topics we cover:
- being safe at home
- being safe in your community
- getting stronger and improving balance
- getting up after a fall
- managing your medications
- taking care of your vision
- choosing safe footwear
- eating healthy for strong bones.
Who can join
If you're over 65 and live in NSW, or if you're over 45 and identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, and you live at home, Stepping On could be just right for you. This program is not suitable for those with dementia or neuromuscular conditions.
Sign up
To learn more about reducing your risk of falling, sign up for your local Stepping On program.
- Phone: 0409 781 326
- Email: mlhd-exercise@health.nsw.gov.au
Program locations
Visit the Active and Healthy website to find your local program.
Contact information
Stepping On Coordinator
- Phone: 0409 781 326
- Email: mlhd-exercise@health.nsw.gov.au
Smoke and vape free communities
Smoking is a major cause of death and disease in NSW, and quitting is the most important step for your health. We are working to enhance policies, support, and environments that promote healthy living.
Vaping (or e-cigarette) use is on the rise in our region, posing serious health risks, especially for young people. It will take some time before we have clear evidence on the long-term harms of vaping. For information and support, visit Do you know what you're vaping?
There are a range of options for those wanting to quit smoking, including:
- talk to a health professional, such as your GP
- call NSW Quitline on 13 78 48, a free and confidential telephone service
- visit the iCanQuit website for information and interactive tools to support your quitting journey
- Quit for new life for pregnant Aboriginal women.
One in 3 students aged 16 to 24 have experimented with e-cigarettes. Marketing efforts are aimed at young people, raising concerns that e-cigarettes might normalise smoking behaviour.
It's important to note that in Australia, e-cigarettes are not approved as a method to quit smoking.
We have new resources for schools in collaboration with a Vape-Free Action Group.
These include:
- vaping bingo game with instructions (PDF 200.5KB) and cards (PDF 1.68MB)
- vaping and young people: an educational awareness workshop with student presentation (PDF 1.01MB) and presenter notes
- no vaping or no smoking signs (available upon request).
For access to these resources, email mlhd-hp@health.nsw.gov.au.
Watch the video and learn how young people are drawn into tobacco use through tobacco industry manipulation.

Know when you're being played
Read transcriptLearning package
A learning package for teachers to use in classrooms has been designed to help support key concepts and themes for students, targeting tobacco use. This package is based on the, "Know when you're being played" video.
Also included is an e-cigarettes factsheet for parents.
We encourage you to share the video and learning package with colleagues and friends.