
Information for patients
Find out what to expect, how to prepare and where to find the right supports and information when accessing our services.

Support for carers
Carers are often focussed on the person they care for and overlook their own health and wellbeing. Find out where you can get support as a carer.

Disability and inclusion
Learn more about the services and supports we offer to help improve the health journey for people with disabilities, their carers and families.
Payments and insurances
Find out how to make a payment for our services and learn about what it means to be a private patient in a public hospital.
Your rights and responsibilities
Learn more about your rights and responsibilities when you access our services and how to provide feedback on your experience.
Protecting your privacy
Learn how we use and protect your personal health information you share with us and how to access and change the information we hold.
Refugee and multicultural support
Learn more about the range of programs and resources we provide to support refugee and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities in our region.

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