NSW Reconstruction Authority – access to information and complaints

Members of the public have a right to access government information held by the NSW Reconstruction Authority.

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NSW Reconstruction Authority is covered by the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA). GIPA aims to maintain and advance a system of responsible and representative democratic government that is open, accountable, fair and effective.

How can I access government information?

Check for open access information first

The NSW Reconstruction Authority proactively releases a large volume of other information.

Before lodging a formal access application form to access information , please browse our website to see if the information is already available.

Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, certain information is required by law to be available on our website, free of charge.  This is called "open access information" and includes our:

  • policy documents
  • disclosure log
  • register of government contracts
  • agency information guide.
Make an informal request

We try to release information we hold without the need for you to make a formal access application, unless there are good reasons to require one.

If the information you are after has not already been published by the NSW Reconstruction Authority, but is information which raises no particular concerns in terms of possible public interest reasons why it should not be released, then we may be able to release it to you on request without a formal application.

If you think this applies to the information you are seeking, you can make an informal request by emailing GIPA@reconstruction.nsw.gov.au

Under the Act, however, we are not required to release information without an access application. The NSW Reconstruction Authority reserves the right to require you to lodge an access application, particularly if:

  • there may be significant public interest considerations that need to be taken into account in deciding whether the information can be released
  • you request a large volume of information or if it would otherwise take a significant amount of time to process your request.
Lodge a formal application

We encourage you to call the Right to Information Officer first to discuss whether a formal application is required. 

Download the access to information form (PDF, 2.88MB)

The Act says that we are only able to accept access applications that:

  1. are in writing and sent by post to or lodged at an office of the agency concerned
  2. clearly indicate that it is an access application made under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW)
  3. enclose a fee of $30
  4. state the name of the applicant and a postal or email address as the address for correspondence in connection with the application
  5. include such information as is reasonably necessary to enable the government information applied for to be identified.

If your application does not include these 5 things, it will be invalid and will not be processed. If that happens, we will let you know and we will work with you as far as is reasonable to help you make a valid application. 

Otherwise we will write to acknowledge receipt of a valid access application within 5 working days, and will deal with your application within 20 working days (subject to any extension allowed for under the Act). If any extension of time is required to deal with your application, we will let you know in writing.

Applicatio​​n fee and processing charges

The formal application fee is $30 and must be paid when lodging an access application form. The fee covers the first hour of processing.

We may request an additional processing charge if an application for information involves extensive research or processing time. Any additional charges are based on an estimated time necessary to deal efficiently with the application. An additional processing charge is calculated at $30 per hour.

The Act continues the right of applicants seeking their own personal information to receive up to 20 hours of processing without additional charge.

Register of government contracts

All contracts the NSW Reconstruction Authority enters into with the private sector valued over $150,000 are required to be recorded in the register of government contracts.

The contracts are published on the NSW Government tender's website.

Details of each contract must be entered into the register within 45 working days of coming into effect, and must remain on the register for 30 days or until the contract is complete, whichever is longer.

The NSW Government tender’s website also provides details of current tender opportunities in accordance with Premiers Memorandum 2007-01.

Two men at a desk discuss and sign legal documents

Disclosure Log

Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act), the NSW Reconstruction Authority is required to keep a record (a disclosure log) of information about formal applications it receives under the GIPA Act. 

The NSW Reconstruction Authority also retains records relating to formal applications received by the former Resilience NSW.

The disclosure log sets out information that is released under the GIPA Act that may be of interest to members of the public.

View disclosures

Reference No.

Date of Decision

Description of the information provided

Type of Release

Form of Access



Copies of all draft and final reports from the following consultancies listed in the 2021 Annual Report:

  1. PwC Australia – the Agency Strategic Directions People Transition
  2. PwC Australia – the Agency Strategic Directions Phase 2
  3. KPMG – Call and Dispatch Business Case
  4. Communicorp Group – Mental Health Review Project Briefing
  5. McKinsey Pacific Rim Inc. – 2019-2020 Lessons from the Bushfire Recovery Efforts
  6. Mercer Consulting (Australia) Pty Ltd – Work Value Assessments.

    Note: Application made to the former Resilience NSW

Access granted in part

Access available upon request
Email: GIPA@reconstruction.nsw.gov.au



All correspondence from Resilience NSW Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons – emails, briefings, memos, SMS messages – to SES Commissioner Carlene York, staff in the premier’s office, and the premier about the northern rivers floods between Feb 26 and March 15, 2022.

External correspondence only.

Note: Application made to the former Resilience NSW

Access granted in full

Access available upon request
Email: GIPA@reconstruction.nsw.gov.au

GIPA22-03GIPA22-03All records (created since 14 February 2022) relating to any request or offer for and/or by Defence Assistance to the Civil Community (DACC) to provide support relating to flooding events.

Note: Application made to the former Resilience NSW
Access granted in partAccess available upon request
Email: GIPA@reconstruction.nsw.gov.au

In this access application:

  1. Records means notes, minutes, reports, records, digital and other recordings, correspondence, documents, emails, letters and advices, but excludes such documents and records available to the public via the NSW Department of Planning and Environment website.
  2. Site means the Wardell Sports and Recreation Club and Wardell Golf Course located on Bath Street, Wardell NSW 2477.
  3. Adjoining Landowners means owners of land within 500m of the Site.
  4. Impacts means any adverse impacts on Adjoining Landowners including but not limited to acoustic, traffic, dust, privacy, amenity and security.

All Records concerning, involving or referring to the identification, consideration and mitigation of impacts on Adjoining Landowners of the Site being used for temporary housing accommodation between the period 1 March 2022 to and including the date of this access application.

Note: Application made to the former Resilience NSW

Access granted in partAccess available upon request
Email: GIPA@reconstruction.nsw.gov.au

Documents related to the 'Pod site' in Station / Prince St Mullumbimby:

  1. All hydrology/engineering/drainage plans and studies.
  2. All flood studies including the filling of a 'no fill' flood prone site.
  3. The documents between Byron Shire Council and Resilience NSW that enabled this to go ahead.
  4. The flood management plan for the site.
  5. The traffic management plan.
  6. Soil and contamination studies.
  7. Environmental impact study.
  8. Social impact study.
  9. Studies that address the impact on surrounding streets of filling a known flood zone, i.e. the exacerbation of flooding on these areas.
  10. The working plans of this development.
Current and projected flood levels.

Note: Application made to the former Resilience NSW
Access granted in partAccess available upon request
Email: GIPA@reconstruction.nsw.gov.au

Copies of the final reports (or such similar final deliverables) from each consultancies listed below:

PricewaterhouseCoopers – Grants Target Operating Model

Note: Application made to the former Resilience NSW
Access granted in partAccess available upon request
Email: GIPA@reconstruction.nsw.gov.au

A copy of the information contained within the interactive map on the Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund website (https://www.nsw.gov.au/grants-and-funding/bushfire-community-recovery-and-resilience-fund) in an excel spreadsheet form, which contains: 

  • Project name 
  • Recipient name 
  • Recipient ABN 
  • Amount funded 
  • LGA 
  • Longitude 
  • Latitude 

In addition, a brief description as to how the longitude and latitude is determined for each project.

Access granted in partAccess available upon request
Email: GIPA@reconstruction.nsw.gov.au

All information relating to the processing and determination of Disaster Ready Fund Round 1 2023-24 NSW Application made on 14 February 2023 by Kurrajong Heights Bowling and Recreation Club.

The title of the application proposal: Roadside water hydrants to protection Western Sydney from bushfire project.

Access granted in partAccess available upon request
Email: GIPA@reconstruction.nsw.gov.au

Email correspondence and documents (from 01 September 2022 to 1 March 2023) between the head of the Northern Rivers Reconstruction Corporation (NRRC) and:

  • the NSW Department of Regional, including the then Regional Minister
  • the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet
  • the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet


  1. the total funding amount for the Resilient Homes Program
  2. the number of homes that would be eligible under the Resilient Homes Program.
Access granted in partAccess available upon request
Email: GIPA@reconstruction.nsw.gov.au


The NSW Reconstruction Authority will ensure complaints are promptly and properly dealt with.

We are committed to responding to external complaints fairly, efficiently and effectively. Our external complaint management system is designed to:

  • enable NSW Reconstruction Authority to respond to issues raised by people making complaints in a timely and effective way
  • strengthen accountability
  • enhance public confidence in our administrative processes
  • provide information that can be used by NSW Reconstruction Authority to deliver quality improvements in our services.

Please contact us to make a complaint.

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