Disaster Relief Grant for individuals

The Disaster Relief Grant Program (DRG) is an individual grant program based on eligibility not entitlement. This program is for those most in need and least able to return to a safe, basic and liveable home.   

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Program objective

The purpose of the DRG Program is to support those most in need and those least able to return their homes to a safe and habitable condition after a natural disaster such as low-income earners and where the damage is not covered by insurance, subject to eligibility requirements. In doing so, it seeks to alleviate personal hardship and distress arising as a result of natural disasters in NSW.  

The purpose of the DRG Program is:

  • to provide a safety net for the most vulnerable in the community
  • to provide a contribution toward the applicant’s recovery
  • to assist the applicant to return to a basic standard of living.

Grants provided under the DRG Program will be assessed on the basis of eligibility not ‘entitlement’ and may be partnered with other forms of assistance, including referrals to other agencies.

Grants provided through the DRG Program are not intended to:

  • provide compensation for losses
  • replace, or serve as a disincentive to obtain insurance
  • meet all of an applicant’s needs in the aftermath of a natural disaster.  

This DRG Program is funded and administered by NSW Reconstruction Authority. 



Who can apply? 

Before you can apply for a grant, you need to ensure you are eligible and be able to provide sufficient evidence of your eligibility. There are 6 eligibility criteria which you can read about in detail in the DRG guidelines and the FAQ. If you are renter, you can only apply for a Household Good Grant: 

  • Criteria 1 Income: You must be a low-income earner 

  • Criteria 2 Insurance: You're unable to claim costs under an insurance policy or you are uninsured 

  • Criteria 3 Principal Place of Residence: The damaged property is your principal place of residence 

  • Criteria 4 Cause of Damage: The damage was caused by a natural disaster 

  • Criteria 5 Within Scope: It has been less than 6 months since the disaster, and that the grant provided allows for the safe and habitable return of a resident to their home.   

  • Criteria 6 Realisable Asset: That you do not have any assets that could be used to support you post disaster. 


Who can’t apply? 

You cannot apply if:   

  • you're able to claim under insurance 

  • the damaged home is an investment property that you do not live in 

  • lack of maintenance has caused the damage 

  • the damage is minor and repairs are not essential to live in the property.  

Types of projects funded under this program

Essential Household Goods (HHG) Grant

There are two types of Essential Household Goods Grants to support eligible applicants who are impacted by a natural disaster.  

  1. Essential household goods:  

Under the Household Goods Grant, a maximum of $18,000 is available as a contribution toward the cost of re-establishing essential household items considered necessary to maintain a basic standard of living. Items include bedding, furniture, clothing and essential electrical items such as a refrigerator, washing machine, or stove. The HHG grant assists low-income residents who have no other means of purchasing or repairing these essential household items and are not covered by insurance. For more information on this you can access the FAQ document, which includes a list of items and nominal costing associated with each item.  

    2. Rough Sleepers/Camping Package:  

Rough sleepers can apply for a small grant that is contribution to replacing essential items, such as a tent and sleeping bag. A flat rate of $1,200 is available plus $150 for each additional resident.  

Structural Grants  

Structural Grants provide a contribution toward essential structural works for households unable to meet the cost of repairs and may also assist in relocation-related costs. These grants assist low-income homeowners who have no other means of restoring their homes to a safe and habitable condition.  

There are 4 types of Structural Grants available (depending on the type of damage suffered by the eligible applicant):  

  1. Repair Grant: A contribution towards essential structural repairs to a Residence (including a relocatable home) to assist in restoring it to a safe and habitable condition – grant amount is determined based on assessment of scope of works and threshold considerations.  
  2. Rebuild Grant: A contribution towards the rebuild of a residence (including a relocatable home) to a basic level that has been rendered uninhabitable – grant amount is determined based on assessment of scope of works and threshold considerations.
  3. Temporary Dwelling Grants: A Flat-rate Temporary Dwelling Package – flat rate of $5,000 for repairs and $10,000 if the temporary dwelling has been rendered uninhabitable.    
  4. Access Grant: A contribution of up to $50,000 towards a basic level of repairs to legal accessways on private property where there are no safe alternate routes to the residence or temporary dwelling (and where the Accessway was maintained and fit for purpose prior to the Natural Disaster).  


What your application needs to include

What you need

  • identification
  • the address of the damaged property and the supporting evidence
  • your current address if you're in a temporary residence
  • your Australian bank account details for payment.

You'll also need to provide the following for each person covered under the application:

Personal details

  • name, email address and phone number
  • date of birth
  • Centrelink income statement (if applicable)
  • occupation and employer details (if applicable).

Mortgage or rent payments

  • a copy of a mortgage statement or letter from your financial institution showing name, address, and balance (for homeowners)
  • a copy of the lease or rent ledger showing names on the lease, address, and weekly rent (for tenants)

Income details – evidence of your income, which can include:  

  • Centrelink income statement (if applicable)
  • copies of 2 payslips covering the date of the event, or just before (if applicable)
  • a copy of your tax return or profit and loss statement (if applicable)  

Proof of assets

  • 3 months of bank statements, including 1 month covering the date of the event
  • a council rates notice (for homeowners)
  • evidence of other income that would be declared in an annual tax return.
  • Damage Property details
  • Videos and photos of damaged items – such as furniture, flooring and electrical items
  • For refrigerators and washing machines, you will you need to provide a video of the item plugged in and not working  
  • For home owners, a damaged hot water service, will need a 'Beyond Economical Repair' report from a qualified electrician.  

Home owners will also need to provide information on:

  • the external wall structure
  • roof materials
  • number of storeys and rooms
  • the internal and external structural damage (if applicable).

Insurance details (if applicable)

  • your policy number(s)
  • a copy of your insurance policy outlining that the damage and/or contents are not covered.  


Start the application

To see if you are eligible call Service NSW on 13 77 88. Service NSW will transfer you to Revenue NSW who will discuss with you what is required and determine if you may be eligible to receive an application form.  

After the application is submitted

All applications are assessed by a NSW Reconstruction Authority Community Grant Assessment Officer and applicants will be notified about their outcomes once the assessment is complete.  

Last updated:
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