How you can get involved

Partner with us
Southern NSW LHD is working in partnership with patients, families, carers, and the community. Our aim is to build happy, healthy lives throughout our region. Find out more how you can partner with us.

Volunteer with us
Volunteering is at the heart of our organisation. We recognise and value the role our volunteers play in supporting our health services. Find out more about volunteering.

Your experience matters
Your experience is important to us. You may wish to tell us why you are happy with your care, share your concerns, compliment a staff member or make a suggestion. Learn more about how you can share your feedback.
When making a donation, you can request that the gift go to a specific area in Southern NSW Local Health District, such as a specific hospital or ward, department, research, patient equipment or simply to the area of most need. We promise to ensure your gift is allocated to the area or service you nominate.
You can donate online directly via the online donation link below. This will direct you to the NSW Health secure payment portal to process your donation.
Gifts over $2 are tax deductible.
You can post a donation via a cheque or money order. Please do not mail cash. Please include any special instructions about where you would like the donation allocated to.
- Postal address:
Southern NSW LHD Executive Services
PO Box 1845, Queanbeyan NSW 2620 - Email: SNSWLHD-OfficeOfThe
We are so grateful to the many community organisations that generously fundraise to support our hospitals and health facilities in Southern NSW.
This includes:
- hospital auxiliaries and volunteers: branches located at Batemans Bay, Bega, Bombala, Braidwood, Cooma, Delegate, Moruya, Pambula, Queanbeyan, Tathra. Branch contact details can be found on the United Hospital Auxiliaries NSW webpage
- community groups, such as Rotary, Lions Club, Mens Shed and Country Women Association.
- other charitable foundations.
If you would like to organise a local fundraiser, please contact your hospital and health service directly in the first instance.
Subscribe to our magazine
We are Southern, is our free magazine that is published quarterly. Featuring news and stories about our people, communities, services, events, achievements and initiatives. Subscription is free and each issue is emailed to you quarterly.

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