Be Internet Awesome
Be a safe and confident explorer of the online world.

Teachers can download the Be Internet Awesome curriculum and lesson plans:
- Curriculum
- Share with care
- Don't fall for fake
- Secure your secrets
- Share with care
- It's cool to be kind
- When in doubt, talk it out
Also available are slide decks, posters, and printable badges and certificates and offline activities.
Students in Years 3-6 can be prepared to make smart decisions to make the most of the Internet. This game-based activity teaches them the fundamentals of digital citizenship and safety so they can explore the online world with confidence.
Syllabus outcomes
NESA outcomes
PD2-2, PD3-2, PD2-3, PD3-3, PD2-9, PD3-9, PD2-10, PD 3-10
Australian Curriculum (version 8.4)
ICT Capability
- Apply digital information security practices independently apply strategies for determining and protecting the security of digital information and assess the risks associated with online environments.
- Apply personal security protocols identify the risks to identity, privacy and emotional safety for themselves when using ICT and apply generally accepted social protocols when sharing information in online environments, taking into account different social and cultural contexts.