Be Internet Awesome

Be a safe and confident explorer of the online world.

To make the most of the Internet, students should be prepared to make smart decisions. With this game-based activity they can learn the fundamentals of digital citizenship and safety so they can explore the online world with confidence.


Monday 10 October – Monday 31 October 2022.

For years 3 to 6.

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Syllabus outcomes

NESA outcomes
  • Demonstrate an understanding of strategies that promote a sense of personal identity and build resilience and respectful relationships (PD2-2, PD3-2, PD2-3, PD3-3).
  • Develop and use self-management skills that enable them to take personal responsibility for their actions and emotions and take positive action to protect and enhance the health, safety and wellbeing of others (PD2-9, PD3-9)
  • Develop interpersonal skills that enable them to interact effectively and respectfully with other, build and maintain respectful relationships and advocate for their own and others’ health, safety, wellbeing and participation in physical activity (PD2-10, PD 3-10).
Australian Curriculum (version 8.4)
  • ACTDIP022
  • ACTDIP013.
ICT Capability
  • Apply digital information security practices independently apply strategies for determining and protecting the security of digital information and assess the risks associated with online environments.
  • Apply personal security protocols identify the risks to identity, privacy and emotional safety for themselves when using ICT and apply generally accepted social protocols when sharing information in online environments, taking into account different social and cultural contexts.
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