Teaching online safety in lower primary
eSafety Commissioner's professional learning modules to help you teach safe, respectful and responsible online behaviours.

Date and time: On-demand four 25-minute training modules and optional 35- minute reading.
The modules are aligned to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (Proficient career stage) and the Best Practice Framework for Online Safety Education. The time can be used as Teacher Identified or Elective teacher professional learning hours. Please note: these modules are not NESA or TQI accredited. You can print a certificate at the end of the module.
For more information visit the eSafety Commissioner's website.
Wanting to teach online safety to K-6 students but do not know where to start?
Take this 30-second quiz and reflect on your current level of confidence with teaching online safety topics. You can then pick one or all of the 4 topics below:
1. Using technology safely and responsibly- Learn how to teach students to :
- protect their personal information
- be responsible and safe online
You can also prepare for online safety incidents and know how to engage parents and carers with this learning at home.
2. Being respectful online- This module explores how to:
- apply co-design methods to teach students about consent, empathy and respectful online behaviour
- seek help and report serious online abuse to eSafety.
3. Building resilience and help-seeking skills- Learn how to:
- create safe and inclusive spaces for students to talk about their online activities
- develop effective engagement strategies with parents and carers
4. Fostering early critical thinking - Learn about:
- the risks with the use of emerging technologies
- how to help students to talk about and question what they see, hear and do online.