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9. Roles and responsibilities
9.1 NESA
NESA’s responsibilities in the accreditation of initial teacher education programs are to:
- advise the Minister on the approval of policies governing the accreditation of initial teacher education programs in NSW
- approve or not approve the accreditation of initial teacher education programs delivered in NSW consistent with accreditation policies and procedures, including accreditation with conditions
- revoke or suspend the accreditation of initial teacher education programs under certain circumstances
- convene and oversee Accreditation Panels to review applications for the accreditation of initial teacher education programs
- collect data and promote research with a local, national and international focus in relation to best practice in the development of graduate teachers and their demonstration of the Graduate Teacher Standards.
9.2 Accreditation Panels
Accreditation Panels are established to assess initial teacher education programs that are forwarded for assessment and accreditation. Membership of Accreditation Panels is drawn from members of the profession who have completed a national training program and supplementary NESA-provided training covering NSW-specific requirements.
An Accreditation Panel generally comprises between 4 and 6 members, ensuring that at least the following experience is represented:
- a classroom teacher accredited at least at the level of Proficient Teacher, although preferably at Highly Accomplished or Lead Teacher level
- two teacher educators from different providers
- a school executive or principal who acts as an employer of teachers or delegate of that employer
- at least one person from a different state or territory who has completed national panel training as nominated by AITSL in consultation with NESA staff, and
- other community or specialist personnel (eg curriculum expert) where relevant.
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people who have completed national panel training will be prioritised for each accreditation panel to ensure an Aboriginal perspective is applied to the accreditation process.
NESA will nominate the Chair of the Accreditation Panel.
A NESA officer who has completed national panel training will support and act as the NESA Executive Officer for each Accreditation Panel.
A modified panel may be established in cases where significant changes are made to an accredited program. A NESA officer will ascertain, in consultation with the provider, whether the proposed changes warrant being assessed by the modified panel. A modified panel will consist of a subset of the membership of the normal accreditation panel and having regard for a balance of interest, would normally comprise one teacher educator and one teacher or principal.
9.3 Program Accreditation Review Panel
The Program Accreditation Review Panel is responsible for assessing accredited programs where NESA forms a view that it is not meeting accreditation requirements and/or conditions that have been placed within the specified timeframe.
The Program Accreditation Review Panel should comprise of at least two experienced Accreditation Panel Chairs with a balance of representation from across the sector.