HSC written exams will start on Thursday 17 October at 9:50am with a compulsory English paper, and finish on Monday 11 November with papers for Design and Technology and Textiles and Design.
NESA Acting Chief Executive Officer, Paul Martin, said scheduling the 18 days of HSC exams is a complex logistical exercise involving around 77,000 students, 123 exams and 750 locations.
“The timetable is designed to provide a schedule which is as fair and equitable as possible to ensure all students get the opportunity to do their best in their written exams,” said Mr Martin.
To develop the timetable NESA follows rigorous procedures to:
- provide sufficient breaks between exams for popular courses
- provide sufficient breaks between exams for frequently combined courses
- enable all exams to be marked and students to receive their results from 6:00am on Tuesday 17 December
- minimise the number of students with two exams scheduled at the same time.
NESA has identified and made alternative arrangements for the very small number of students who have conflicting exam times.
Results from the HSC exams account for 50 per cent of students’ marks for the internationally recognised credential.
All 2019 HSC students can access their personalised exam timetables via their Students Online account from 9am 1/5.
View the 2019 HSC written exam timetable from 10am 1/5/19.
2019 HSC Fact Sheet
- Around 77,000 students are enrolled in one or more HSC course.
- HSC Music, Dance and Drama practical exams and 53 oral language exams will be held in August and September.
- 123 HSC written examinations totalling around 350 hours are scheduled from 17 October to 11 November.
- HSC exams will be held across NSW in over 750 exam centres staffed by over 7,500 supervisors and presiding officers.
- Around 330 students will sit HSC exams overseas.
- 96 exam committees and around 300 committee members are involved in developing 123 written exam papers.
- Each exam will be reviewed at least six times and checked a further three times at minimum before more than 700,000 exam papers are printed.
- More than 5500 markers will work across NSW in eight marking centres and from home.
- Around 4000 HSC markers (72%) will mark online with 83 courses to be marked all or in part online. Around 3200 online markers (80%) will work remotely after attending a briefing and practice marking sessions at a marking centre.
- Each student will have their English exams marked by at least nine markers, and their Mathematics exam by at least six markers.
- HSC results will be issued online, by email and via SMS from 6.00am on Tuesday 17 December.
- HSC exams were first held in 1967.