Response to Provider questions
The homepage of the Provider’s website must contain a direct link to the Smart and Skilled website as per clause 1.4 of the Smart and Skilled Operating Guidelines.
The Smart and Skilled website means the Department’s websites hosted at Skills NSW - Discover and compare courses and Vocational education and training (VET) | NSW Government as per the Introduction on page 1 of the Smart and Skilled Operating Guidelines.
The reason behind the two links is to give students the opportunity to access a range of information that will help them make an informed choice about their prospective studies. The two links offer different information that includes information about courses, fees and charges and different industries, vocations, and more.
Yes, the Department has recently communicated the release of promotional resources and guidelines related to the advertising of Smart and Skilled on social media to all Providers. Please click on the Skills NSW promotional resources and guidelines link for further information.
Yes, the Provider must maintain a current and accurate website, as per clause 1.4 of the Operating Guidelines. The Provider must ensure that the information provided is current, complete, and accurate. In particular, the Provider is to develop and implement strategies to ensure that the information on the Smart and Skilled website is regularly reviewed and updated so that published information is accurate. Providers are requested to withdraw any promotional material from public circulation that is inaccurate.
No, the Provider has no obligation to market or promote any Approved Qualifications where the Financial Cap has been or is likely to be exceeded.
The NSW Government logo should not normally be used by Providers for marketing and information purposes unless express permission has been provided by the Department. In exceptional cases, Providers may request to use the NSW Government logo in connection with Smart and Skilled by emailing and including their supporting rationale to for consideration by the Department.
Under the current Operating Guidelines (clause 1.3), the Provider cannot suggest, or allow there to be any misunderstanding, that the Subsidised Training is ‘free of charge’.
The Department is currently considering revising the wording around the use of fee-free in the marketing to make it easier for Providers to navigate this issue. Any change to this situation will be reflected in an update to the Smart and Skilled Operating Guidelines which will be communicated to Providers through a Smart and Skilled update and the website.