Natural disaster declarations

A disaster declaration is a list of Local Government Areas (LGAs) that have been impacted by a natural disaster. With a disaster declaration, affected communities can access a range of special assistance measures to aid them in their recovery.

Aerial view of a street that is inundated with flood water

What are natural disaster declarations?

The NSW Government issues natural disaster declarations for some severe events such bushfires, storms and flooding. Each declaration incorporates an Australian Government reference number (AGRN).

If your Local Government Area (LGA) is covered by a natural disaster declaration, a range of special assistance measures becomes available.

These measures – available to individuals, businesses and community groups – can include:

  • concessional loans or grants for businesses, not-for-profits and sporting organisations
  • transport subsidies
  • counter disaster operations such as protecting individual homes or public assets
  • restoration of essential public assets.

You can check the assistance available for each natural disaster declaration – and whether your LGA is covered – by visiting the list of declarations. They are sorted by the financial year that the events occurred in.

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