Hard Work Knows No Gender
Women in Construction Gender Diversity Awareness Campaign
Construction continues to be one of the most male-dominated industries in Australia, with only 12% representation of women across the sector and only 2% in trade roles.
This campaign aims to raise awareness among site workers and employers about the benefits of employing more women into construction trade and non-traditional roles such as plumbing, electrics, carpentry, engineering, and project management.
Increasing the numbers of women working in construction will help to address the nationwide shortage of skilled labour and support delivery of important state infrastructure, including hospitals, schools, roads, as well as commercial and residential projects.
Our campaign slogan is Hard Work Knows No Gender because construction is about people working together to get the job done.
Download the e-toolkit
Hard Work Knows No Gender e-toolkit (PDF 1.63MB)The toolkit contains all the Hard Work Knows No Gender campaign materials.
Hard Work Knows No Gender campaign materials
A range of print ready and digital campaign materials have been developed to support the Women in Construction Gender Diversity Awareness Campaign.
These materials are designed to be displayed on construction sites and shared across digital channels and networks, including websites and social media platforms.
Show your support by downloading, printing and displaying the posters and stickers onsite, and encourage site managers to lead the toolbox talk.
The social media tiles are designed to be posted on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. When posting on LinkedIn, be sure to add #hardworkknowsnogender and #womeninconstruction to your posts.
If you would like posters with trims for professional printing, please contact industry@infrastructure.nsw.gov.au

How to hire an apprentice
Learn how to employ an Australian apprentice and discover the incentives your business can receive.

How to host an Infrastructure Trainee
The Infrastructure Traineeship program is a great opportunity for organisations to make a difference in a young person's life by helping them to get their career started.

Infrastructure Skills Legacy Program
The Infrastructure Skills Legacy Program aims to boost the skilled workforce to address skills shortages and increase diversity in the construction sector. Find out about how the program works and more!
Resources for employers
Building positive workplace culture brochure
- Establishing a positive workplace culture: definition, tips & why it's important
- Guide to preventing and responding to workplace bullying
- Preventing workplace violence and aggression
- Sexual harassment in the workplace
- Culture in Construction
- The Healthy Older Worker toolkit
- Building workplace culture