This fund supports the development of the critical minerals and high-tech metals sector to activate projects across the mining and downstream processing value chain.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: From $2,000,000 to $10,000,000
- Application opened: 26 September 2022
- Application closed: 31 October 2022, 5:00 pm
Program objective
The Critical Mineral and High-Tech Metals Activation Fund will drive investment and activation of critical minerals and high-tech metals projects across the supply chain in NSW.
Stream 2 – Enabling Project Infrastructure
Funding for key infrastructure needed to develop investment-ready projects nearing construction and operation and to support downstream mineral processing.
This stream aims to:
- accelerate the development of advanced critical minerals infrastructure projects
- deliver project infrastructure required for operations
- reduce project risk for private investment into the sector.
Stream 2 – Enabling Project Infrastructure is a competitive process which aims to co-fund strategic infrastructure in the critical minerals and high-tech metals sector that is needed to:
- expedite the development of investment-ready projects nearing construction and operation
- address infrastructure blockages with potential multi-user benefits
- support the delivery of key infrastructure needed to accelerate the industry in regional NSW.
This program is funded and administered by Department of Regional NSW.
Who can apply
To be eligible to receive funding, applicants must:
- have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
- be one of the following:
- a company incorporated in Australia
- a company limited by a guarantee
- an incorporated trustee on behalf of a corporate trust
- an incorporated association or co-operative
- a publicly funded research organisation (being a Table A provider or Table B provider under the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth)
- corporate Commonwealth entities, and State and Territory business enterprises which undertake publicly funded research
- an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006.
- be registered for GST
- operate, or be developing a mineral project within the critical minerals and high-tech metals industry, or as part of the critical minerals/high-tech metals supply chain, as described in
- demonstrate financial and technical capacity to deliver the proposed infrastructure project
- provide evidence of $20 million Public Liability Insurance or confirmation that a Public Liability Insurance Policy of at least $20 million will be taken out prior to the execution of the Funding Deed.
Who can’t apply
Ineligible applicants include:
- local councils or their Section 355 Committees
- joint Organisations of Councils
- Australian or NSW Government Departments
- sole traders or individuals
- unincorporated associations
- businesses that are insolvent.
The Department, at its sole discretion, may take other factors into account to determine that an applicant is ineligible for funding, for example:
- poor past performance of the applicant or key project personnel
- the applicant or their business activity could cause reputational or other risk to the NSW Government.
Example projects
Examples of eligible projects include:
- transport infrastructure including:
- off-site and on-site road and rail upgrades and modifications
- heavy-haulage route upgrades
- road widening
- pavement strengthening
- power infrastructure, including:
- conversion to renewable energy sources
- substation installation
- extension or new powerlines
- installation of a solar farm
- installation of large-scale power storage facilities
- water infrastructure, including:
- water treatment plants
- water supply pipelines
- processing infrastructure including trial processing plants
- mine waste processing plant facilities
- establishing or expanding a processing, pilot, or demonstration plant
- environmental protection infrastructure including fencing, but excluding rehabilitation costs
- modifications/additional circuits to processing facilities
Examples of ineligible infrastructure include:
- site offices
- housing or worker accommodation camps
- tailings dams or tailings storage
- mine development.
Most recent recipients
What your application needs to include
You can download these resources for applications:
Critical Minerals - Stream 2 - Enabling Project Infrastructure Guidelines (PDF 379.21KB)File
Critical Minerals - Stream 2 Frequently Asked Questions (PDF 72.8KB)File
Sample Funding Deed Stream 2 (PDF 555.62KB)File
Critical Minerals - Budget Template (XLSX 711.77KB)File
Critical Minerals - Stream 2 Project Plan template (DOCX 3.86MB)File
Critical Minerals - Stream 2 Data Sheet (XLSX 19.01KB)
Prepare your application with this checklist
Applicants will be required to supply the following information as part of the Application:
- organisation details including ABN
- an explanation of the applicant’s primary activities
- demonstration of the experience and capability of the organisation to deliver the proposed infrastructure project, such as previous experience in delivering similar works
- evidence of the organisation’s financial viability, including trading, profit & loss statements and balance sheets for two continuous years starting from the latest available year
- description of the proposed infrastructure project scope and proposed use of the grant
- project background, including the need the project infrastructure will address
- asset management/whole of life planning details for the project
- evidence of readiness of the project, including status of planning or regulatory approvals required to deliver the project, and if approvals have not been awarded, estimated timeframe for approval
- key benefits, expected outcomes and measure of success
- project plan, including identifying the scope, project timeline, key milestones, implementation methodology, risks and consequences with mitigation measures.
- a detailed budget outlining the estimate of the total infrastructure project cost and the grant amount requested (maximum of 50 per cent of the total project cost). Costings to be at a +/- 20% level of accuracy
- confirmation of the co-contribution to the project, including from the applicant and other sources
- quotes (dated within six months of submission) and technical documents
- a completed data sheet. The data sheet will be used to undertake a cost-benefit analysis which will be coordinated by the Department of Regional NSW using the information provided
- Details of the applicants $20 million Public Liability Insurance Policy or confirmation that a policy will be purchased prior to entering into the Funding Deed.
Address the eligibility criteria
Eligible projects
To be eligible for funding, the proposed project must:
- support or be infrastructure needed to enable critical minerals or high-tech metals mining, processing or production in NSW
- relate to at least one of the identified critical minerals and high-tech metals specified in Attachment A
- commence construction within 18 months from execution of the Funding Deed
- already have, or be able to secure all necessary planning approvals and licences required for the proposed infrastructure project to achieve the delivery timeframe
- align with the objective of the Fund and the Stream Objectives
- deliver significant benefits to the of critical minerals and high-tech metals extraction and/or downstream processing in regional NSW
- use technologies that have been successfully demonstrated, and accepted by research and industry
- the related mineral project must be significantly advanced and demonstrated to be economically feasibility
- create additional ongoing jobs in regional NSW that are sustainable and able to continue following Government investment (including jobs created as part of the related mineral project).
Ineligible projects
The following are not considered eligible for funding:
- feasibility studies or strategy development
- infrastructure which is not directly related to mining, processing or production of the identified critical mineral or high-tech metal
- projects that have already commenced, or have secured all required financial support to commence construction within the next 6 months
- projects funding the day-to-day operations of an organisation or marketing and promotion activities
- projects which require ongoing funding from the NSW Government
- projects that have already received NSW Government or other funding for the same outputs and outcomes. Note: a project is eligible, if it requires funding from multiple sources to enable the project to proceed. The project will be ineligible if the project will deliver the desired outcome entirely with the previously secured funding.
- projects that have already commenced construction for the scope requested in the application
- projects not aligned with the objectives of the Fund.
Applications from consortiums are encouraged. An organisation must be appointed as the lead applicant and satisfy the eligibility criteria. The lead applicant is authorised to act on behalf of and bind each member of the consortium and, if the application is successful, enter into the Funding Deed and be ultimately responsible for delivering the project. The application must include a letter of support from each organisation involved in the application.
Ineligible entities (except for insolvent companies) can form part of a consortium but are not able to be the lead applicant.
Applicants can be based internationally, interstate or in either metropolitan or regional NSW provided they satisfy the eligibility criteria.
Organisations that applied for funding under Stream One – Project Activation Studies are eligible to apply for funding under Stream 2 – Enabling Project Infrastructure.
Eligible Grant Amounts
The minimum grant amount to be funded from the Department is $2 million. The maximum Department grant amount is $10 million.
All grants are GST exclusive. GST will be applied on top of the agreed grant value when payment is made.
Payment of grant amounts will be made in across a maximum of six instalments. Instalments and required evidence of expenditure will be agreed prior to executing the Funding Deed.
All Applicants must provide a co-contribution. Co-contributions must be cash and at least 50% of the total project cost (unless otherwise approved by the Department in writing).
The co-contribution may be obtained from internal funds or third parties.
Applicants will be required to provide evidence that the co-contribution is secured and confirmed, noting that Applicants are required to have access to their nominated co-contribution available through the delivery of the project.
Eligible Costs
Eligible costs may only be incurred after both parties have executed the Funding Deed and before the completion date, such as:
- infrastructure capital costs and civil costs
- development, upgrade, or expansion of enabling project infrastructure, and associated utilities or civil works
- purchase and installation of fixed plant required to commission infrastructure (new or upgraded)
- costs for technical, project management and direct labour costs of employees who are directly engaged on the project, to a maximum of 20% of the total project cost
- contractor costs to deliver enabling infrastructure by a third party outside of the applicant’s organisation, excluding individuals who are recognised as an employee
- contingency, to a maximum of 25% of the total project cost
- reasonable travel expenses incurred to deliver the project.
Ineligible Costs
The following ineligible costs should be excluded from the project costing:
- any expenditure incurred prior to the commencement of the Funding Deed
- repayment of existing debts and/or budget deficits
- statutory fees and charges, including overhead charges such as insurance and leases
- ongoing costs for business administration, operation or maintenance, including purchasing of assets such as furniture, motor vehicles, consumables, equipment, printers, software or ICT licences
- project feasibility development costs, such as options analysis, feasibility studies or business case development
- site acquisition costs, such as land purchase or lease costs, and any site rehabilitation costs
- costs solely for the maintenance of infrastructure i.e., repairs without upgrading the functionality of the infrastructure
- cost estimation services
- costs within a community or town that do not directly contribute to the mining project, including the development, construction or upgrade of accommodation or residential areas
- any costs incurred for planning or regulatory approval during the project period
- the delivery of essential or core government services that should be funded from another source such as local government, the NSW Government or the Commonwealth Government
- costs relating solely to marketing, advertising or product promotion, including education and information campaigns
- costs associated with grant applications, monitoring and administration costs, including any funding provided to professional services to support application submission
- costs which require ongoing funding from the NSW Government, beyond the delivery timeframe for the Fund
- legal costs.
Address the assessment criteria
Criteria | Percentage |
Economic Impact The value of the contribution of the project to the NSW economy as determined through a Cost-Benefit Analysis producing a Benefit-to-Cost Ratio (BCR) calculation. Applicants are required to submit a data sheet to assess the BCR for the project. The BCR calculation will be coordinated by the Department based on the information provided by the applicant in the data sheet.Projects must achieve a BCR greater than 1.0 to be considered for funding. Projects with a BCR less than 1.0 will only be considered for funding by exception and will be required to meet one of the following criteria:
| 30% |
Deliverability Applicants need to demonstrate that the project is deliverable by providing:
Applicants need to demonstrate they have the capability and capacity to deliver the project by providing:
| 30% |
Affordability Applicants need to demonstrate that the project is affordable and demonstrates value by providing:
| 20% |
Strategic Alignment Applicants need to demonstrate how the proposed infrastructure project meets the objectives of the Fund including:
| 20% |
Start the application
Applications for this grant are accepted via the SmartyGrants portal.
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: Secretary, Department of Regional NSW.
Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application via an email if unsuccessful or a Letter of Offer and confidentiality document if successful.
Successful applicants will be requested to keep the outcome confidential for a period if an announcement is likely to be made by the NSW Government.
Unsuccessful applicants will be offered a feedback information session.
Support and contact
Frequently Asked Questions and other resources to assist with applications may be updated regularly on the NSW Government Grant and Funding Finder. The Grants and Funding Finder website should be considered the authoritative source of all Grant information.
Department staff are available to assist with any question during the application process. Please note, the Department is not able to assist Project Teams with the preparation of their application. The Department’s relevant Project Team can be contacted by:
- Phone: 02 4063 6860
- Email:
- Translating and interpreter service: 131 450.
The Department will use its best endeavours to respond to all emailed questions within three business days.