This grant supports councils and eligible state agencies to create or improve access to places for the community to enjoy rivers, lakes, dams and inland waterways across NSW.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: From $500,000 to $1,000,000
- Application opened: 30 September 2022
- Application closed: 21 November 2022, 4:00 pm
Program objective
The objectives of the Places to Swim program include
- creating new places to swim and places that support recreation in our natural waterways
- improving access to and recreational engagement with waterways across NSW for people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds
- supporting community health and wellbeing in rapidly growing communities
- supporting investment in the creation of high-quality, inclusive public and open spaces to create a lasting community benefit
- addressing critical shortfalls in freely accessible public places for water recreation and swimming
- contributing to the post-pandemic economic recovery of NSW through the creation of jobs, stimulating businesses and the recreation and visitor economy
- contributing to the delivery of the NSW Premier’s Priority for Greener Public Spaces by increasing the proportion of homes in urban areas within 10 minutes’ walk of quality green, open and public space by 10% by 2023.
This program is administered by Department of Planning and Environment.
This grant supports the creation and improvement of places for the community to enjoy rivers, lakes, dams and inland waterways across NSW.
We do this by working with councils and eligible state agencies to improve access so that more people can get in, on and around water.
Who can apply
- All NSW councils.
- Eligible NSW Government agencies.
Submit an application for projects that improve access to and recreational engagement with water.
Types of projects funded under this grant
Projects can include
- harbour, lakes, dams and riverfront precincts, including improvements for water-based recreation such as launching small non-powered watercraft (such as kayaks, canoes and paddle boards) and access to waterways for swimming
- walking tracks and trails and infrastructure that directly connect to and support access to water for recreation (not including boat ramps, fishing infrastructure and boating infrastructure)
- water playspaces that offer a place to enjoy waterbased recreation for those local government areas that do not have direct access to lakes, rivers or harbours
- Amenities and facilities that directly support the recreational use of the waterways (change rooms, toilet facilities, picnic and BBQ facilities, foreshore works, netting, pontoons, signage).
What can’t you apply for
- Projects located in sensitive cultural sites or in environmentally restricted areas.
- Remediation projects that do not achieve the program objectives of improving access to water for recreation.
- Projects to support motorised watercraft – such as boat ramps, jetties and wharfs.
- Boat ramps, roadworks, carparks, fishing infrastructure and boating infrastructure.
- Purchase or lease of land for purposes other than open space creation.
- Funding of personnel or staff positions, unless a labour cost exemption request is completed by council and approved by the department.
- Temporary infrastructure or buying or upgrading nonfixed equipment.
- Public art pieces as a singular project. Public art that is integrated into a wider public and open space project will be considered.
- Projects that require the community to pay fees to access.
- Commercial buildings and clubhouses.
- Swimming pools, indoor facilities.
- Events, marketing, branding, advertising or product promotion.
- Projects requiring ongoing funding from the NSW Government.
- Retrospective funding to cover any project component that is already complete or underway (under the grant program).
- Design services will only be funded as part of the delivery of a project. Master planning or design services will not be funded in isolation.
- Projects that are considered to be part of council’s usual ongoing maintenance and management of a site.
Grant previous recipients
- City of Parramatta - Enhancement of the Lake Parramatta swimming area – stage 1.
- Campbelltown City Council - Nepean River Reserve improvements.
- City of Ryde Council - Putney Beach swim site activation.
What your application needs to include
You can download the complete guidelines for applicants:
Places to Swim grant program guidelines (PDF 13.42MB)And you can preview and download the grant application form:
Places to Swim application form (PDF 146.42KB)
Prepare your application with this checklist
Council is required to submit the following documentation at application stages:
- concept plan and imagery to communicate the design of the project
- community engagement outcomes report or plan for community engagement
- in-principle support from partners if needed
- high quality images of project location
- aerial map showing project location
- risk assessment
- project budget breakdown
- project plan (maximum 10 pages)
- project schedule
- image/s of desired materials for implementation (optional)
- details of water quality management that details the water is safe for access by people and the program for ongoing water quality checks
- letter/s of support from local businesses or local business associations, community groups, institutions (for example, schools, universities or cultural institutions) (optional).
Address the eligibility criteria
- Up to $1 million - Improvements to open spaces that will directly support swimming in natural bodies of water. Amenities and facilities that directly support the recreational use of the waterways.
- Up to $750,000 - Improvements for water-based recreation such as launching small nonpowered watercraft (such as kayaks, canoes and paddle boards). Amenities and facilities that directly support the recreational use of the waterways.
- Up to $500,000 - Walking tracks/trails and infrastructure that directly connect to and support access to water for recreation (not including boat ramps, fishing infrastructure and boating infrastructure). Water playspaces that offer a place to enjoy water-based recreation for those local government areas that do not have direct access to lakes, rivers or harbours. Amenities and facilities that directly support the recreational use of the waterways.
Address the assessment criteria
- Program alignment and project clarity - The project scope is clearly stated and supports the objectives of the program, demonstrating in, on or around objectives.
- Inclusion - The project will be designed and delivered to enable all community members to get in, on or around water.
- Innovation - The project clearly demonstrates best practice methodologies and outcomes that offer learnings that can be shared across government and industry in the creation of water recreation spaces. The project does not revert to a ‘business as usual’ approach. The project clearly demonstrates at least one of the three objectives of the Places to Swim program - Can I get in, on or around water.
- Collaboration - The project drives collaboration and partnerships with community, businesses and institutions, taking a place-based approach. Plans for collaboration between individuals and/or institutions to develop the project are clearly articulated. Approach to engaging the community in the project is clearly articulated including ensuring engagement is inclusive.
- Environmental sustainability - The project demonstrates how the health and safety of the community and the local environment will be sustained and enhanced during construction and in operation of the facility.
- Financial viability - Project budget clearly outlines the most significant cost line-items required for the development of the project, along with a reasonable timeline for the expenses (Direct and in-kind costs are identified).
- Deliverability - Project methodology is clear and feasible within the parameters of the program.
- Timeliness of delivery - Applicant demonstrates commitment to roll out project quickly. Project schedule and project plan is clear and identifies key deliverable dates within program timeframes.
- Risk mitigation - Risk assessment included with strategies to mitigate project risks.
- Value for money - Project uses funding effectively to maximise the scale and impact of the project. Projects that include applicant contributions will be considered favourably.
After the application is submitted
The applications will be assessed and both successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified.
Support and contact
For queries about the guidelines, deadlines, or questions in the form, please contact us on 0428 630 832 during business hours or email and quote your submission number.