This road safety infrastructure and speed management treatment program aims to deliver sustainable and long-term reductions in road trauma through upgrades of the existing road network.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: Up to $10,000,000
- Application opened: 12 April 2024
- Application closed: 10 May 2024
Program objective
The Towards Zero Safer Roads Program aligns with the 2026 Road Safety Action Plan, reflecting the government's dedication to achieving the goal of 0 deaths on the NSW road network.
Projects will deliver important road infrastructure at high-risk locations that can help save lives. This includes upgrade of the existing network through; wide centre lines, safety barriers, rumble strips and shoulder widening.
The Towards Zero Safer Roads Program Round 2 covering FY24/25 - FY26/27 makes available $70 million to councils across NSW.
You can view the program guidelines (PDF 1.85MB) here.
This program is funded and administered by Transport for NSW.
Transport for NSW and local councils, including unincorporated areas in far west NSW and Lord Howe Island are eligible for funding.
Who can apply
Transport and all local government areas within NSW can apply for funding under this
Program. This includes the unincorporated areas in western NSW as well as the Lord
Howe Island Board.
Who can’t apply
Organisations outside of Transport for NSW and local councils, including unincorporated areas in far west NSW and Lord Howe Island, are ineligible for funding.
Types of projects funded under this grant
Proposals must primarily focus on rural or urban Safe System Intervention Options, that align with future or interim state interventions per Safe System Hierarchy Risk Bands and generate a Safety Performance Index (SPI).
It must also provide detailed information for assessing project risk and construction readiness and complete all mandatory fields in the Safer Roads Portal.
Refer to the Program Guidelines for more detailed information.
What can’t you apply for
Ineligible works include but are not limited to:
- stand-alone planning and design only proposals
- maintenance projects - there must be a safety benefit upgrade.
Eligible projects
Eligible projects include but are not limited to:
- targeted centre and/or roadside barrier
- wide centre line
- continuous median barrier
- roundabout
- audio tactile line marking
- rural intersection activated warning signage
- reduced speed limit with supporting infrastructure
- raised safety platform
- midblock signalised pedestrian or cyclist crossing
- separated cycling facilities
- advanced intersection warning signals.
What your application needs to include
High-quality submissions with complete information and all supporting evidence are essential.
During the integrity review applicants will be contacted if information is missing that could make an application ineligible.
Short turnaround times apply, and delays may result in projects not being considered.
All applications must be submitted through the Safer Roads Portal.
Applicants must provide supporting evidence such as site sketches/plans and a breakdown of cost estimates. The Portal will prompt applicants to attach these documents where necessary.
Prepare your application with this checklist
To access the Safer Roads Portal, you must submit access form.
A Safe System Checklist is available on the Safer Roads Program Management System
(Online portal).
Applications must be submitted through the Safer Roads Portal.
Address the eligibility criteria
Program Criteria For a proposal to be submitted for review and progress to prioritisation it must meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Proposal must include either rural or urban Safe System Intervention Options as listed below, and 1 or more of these interventions (treatments) form most of the scope and cost of the project.
- Proposed interventions must align as either future state or interim state interventions according to the risk banding of the site as shown on page 13. Justification will be required for interim state interventions as to why the future state intervention cannot be achieved.
- Proposal must be supported by a risk-based cost estimate that allows determination of P50 and P90 project contingency (Outturn) to be applied should the proposal be prioritised for funding.
- Proposal must be supported by detailed treatment and crash diagrams that show crash details and proposed interventions throughout the entirety of the proposed site.
- Proposal must generate a Safety Performance Index value in the Safety Benefit Options screen in the SRPMS Online Portal. The Safety Performance Index (SPI) will be used to support prioritisation of submissions into the program.
- Proposal must provide a before and after star rating.
- Proposal must have a construction component (required to generate an SPI and after star rating) with development components allowed but ‘development only’ proposals are not permitted.
- Proposal may be entered as a multi-year proposal with project costs split over no longer timeframe than the 3 years specified for Round 2.
- Proposal must include all required information to satisfy all mandatory fields in SRPMS Online Portal for a TZSRP proposal to successfully submit from Draft status to Under Review status.
- Proposal must not exceed a P90 Outturn cost of $10 million.
After the application is submitted
The applications will be assessed and both successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified.
Program evaluation
Please refer to the Program guidelines: