About the Centre for Property Acquisition

We help communities across NSW understand the property acquisition process, provide impacted people with access to support services, and work with acquiring authorities to promote fair, transparent, and consistent practices. 

On this page

Some NSW and Australian Government authorities, state-owned corporations and local councils are able to compulsorily acquire privately owned property for public purposes. These are known as acquiring authorities.

Acquiring authorities are required to comply with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991.

The Centre for Property Acquisition helps acquiring authorities understand their obligations, comply with NSW guidelines and monitor and report on their performance relating to acquisitions in NSW.

Our principles

We understand the property acquisition process can be an emotional and stressful experience.

We aim to support those impacted by property acquisition through ensuring fair, transparent, and consistent practices. 

Property acquisition in NSW is driven by 10 guiding principles for property acquisitions.

Review of property acquisition in NSW

The NSW Government, led by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, is currently:

  • conducting a review of the Just Terms Act, taking into account the concerns raised in the Parliamentary Inquiry into the acquisition of land in relation to major transport projects
  • reviewing the whole-of-government approach to property acquisitions
  • ensuring that NSW Government agencies and the public are involved in this review through consultation.

The review will consider matters raised by government, non-government, and industry groups, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and the public.

Find out more about the Land Acquisition Review Project.

Standards and minimum requirements

The Property Acquisition Standards are the core directions that all acquiring authorities should adhere to.

See the standards and minimum requirements.

Access to information

To promote open, accountable, fair and effective government in NSW, members of the public have a right to access government information. 

The Centre for Property Acquisition will release information without the need for a formal application where possible. Contact us to begin.

You can formally request information by submitting an access application form. As the Centre for Property Acquisition sits within Transport for NSW, refer to the Transport for NSW website for further information on accessing information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).

Get in touch

For general information about property acquisition in NSW:

How acquisition works

The property acquisition process is designed to be fair, easy to understand and transparent. Find out what to expect at each stage if your property is being acquired.

Valuations and compensation

Find out about how your property will be valued, how to engage your own valuer, and what other types of compensation may be available to you.

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