We help communities across NSW understand the property acquisition process, provide affected people with access to support services, and work with acquiring authorities to promote fair, transparent and consistent practices.
In focus
Understanding the property acquisition process
Getting support

Your acquisition support team
Your acquisition support team is there to help you through the acquisition process. They can give you advice and support that is tailored to your needs.

Property Acquisition Support Line
The support line is a free, independent counselling service that provides emotional and mental health support for people impacted by the property acquisition process.

Contact us
If you have any questions or require more information, please get in touch with the Centre for Property Acquisition using this online form.
Have your say

Property acquisition survey
Your feedback is important and will help us to identify ways to improve the acquisition process.
Working for you

About the Centre for Property Acquisition
We deliver services and assistance to acquiring authorities and impacted members of the public.

Projects and acquiring authorities
Contact details for authorities or projects acquiring property in NSW.
More information
Glossary of property acquisition terms
Find explanations for some of the terms used throughout the property acquisition process.
Property acquisition data
Find key property acquisition data from NSW, including annual acquisition numbers by acquiring authority, location, type of acquisition and acquisition method.
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