The NSW Government is reviewing the report, its findings and recommendations.
The final report, which has been made public today, makes 222 recommendations covering a wide range of issues and systems to strengthen the rights and inclusion of people with disability.
Since 2019, the royal commission held 32 public hearings, examined 837 witnesses, and received more than 10,000 submissions.
The Department of Communities and Justice and the Disability Council NSW are co-convening a forum with stakeholders from the disability sector on October 23 to discuss the royal commission’s findings.
Minister for Families and Communities and Minister for Disability Inclusion Kate Washington will attend the forum.
The NSW Government’s formal response to the royal commission’s final report will be provided within the next 6 months.
Minister for Families and Communities and Minister for Disability Inclusion Kate Washington said:
“Over the past 4 years, the royal commission has shone a light on the serious abuse, exclusion and injustice that people with disability face across our society.
“The fact that so many people with disability came forward to speak with the royal commission shows that these issues are far too common, and we all have to do better.
“The NSW Government is grateful to every person with disability, their families and communities, who shared their stories with the royal commission.
“We want to honour everyone’s contribution to the royal commission by carefully and methodically considering each of the 222 recommendations.”