NSW school students can access their online personalised timetable for the 2021 written HSC exams.
The release of the full 2021 HSC written exam timetable is the final leg in the school journey for Year 12 students.
HSC timetables will have procedures in place to:
provide sufficient breaks between exams
enable all exams to be marked and results ready by 6am Friday 10 December 2021
minimise the number of students with two exams scheduled on the same day.
The procedures will provide a fair schedule and ensure all students have the opportunity to do their best in the exams.
Running across 18 days, the NSW HSC exams involve 76,000 school students covering 129 exams held in over 775 locations across the state.
Minister for Education Sarah Mitchell said the NSW students are working hard in their final year as the exams are approaching.
“The HSC is the culmination of years of schooling and receiving your timetable makes it all the more real for students. I wish them all the best during an exciting time,” Ms Mitchell said.
The HSC written exams will start on Tuesday 12 October 2021 with a compulsory English paper, and finish with the examination of Food Technology on Thursday 4 November 2021.
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