Research and development (R&D) activities are a major source of innovation and an important driver of economic growth. R&D has the potential to create new jobs and better lives for the whole community.
According to the NSW Innovation and Productivity Council’s 2019 Scorecard, approximately $11 billion was invested in R&D in NSW in 2018, equivalent to 1.9% of the Gross State Product (GSP).
The NSW Government has appointed an Advisory Council of eminent leaders in innovation, business, government and the tertiary education sector to advise on R&D in NSW.
The Advisory Council members are
- David Gonski AC - Chair
- Maxine Brenner
- Jillian Broadbent AC
- Phil Marcus Clark AO
- Professor Hugh Durrant-Whyte
- Professor Barney Glover AO
- Professor Brigid Heywood
- Catherine Livingstone AO
- Professor Mary O’Kane AC
- Daniel Petre AO
- Professor Michelle Simmons AO
- Jennifer Westacott AO.
The Advisory Council met for the first time on 28 October 2019 and discussed a range of areas where R&D has the potential to make a major contribution to solving NSW’s big challenges.
Chair of the Council David Gonski said the first meeting was highly productive.
"There was insightful and engaging discussions and contributions from the Council members," Mr Gonski said.
The Advisory Council was appointed by Gabrielle Upton, Parliamentary Secretary, who has been tasked with accelerating R&D investment in NSW.
"I look forward to hearing from all sectors and the community on how R&D can help solve our big challenges that will make a difference for everyone in NSW," Ms Upton said.
The initiative will deliver a Plan of Action in 2020 for making NSW the R&D leader within Australia and a world-class contributor and will complement existing NSW Government strategies.
Make a submission on accelerating R&D in NSW.