Highlights included:
- The NSW Government approving the Telco Authority developing a whole of government operational communications strategy
- Releasing a consultation draft of the strategy for agency comment
- Finalising a number of projects including a sector capability review, a services and technology roadmap, infrastructure rationalisation and the strategic options and market analysis
- Establishing an enterprise risk management framework
- Launching our second corporate plan
- Reviewing the Board’s activities and implementing a number of changes to the Board’s charter and code of conduct
- Generating over $3 million of savings for the NSW Government through the ITS2573 panel contract between May 2013 and June 2014
2014 has also seen a number of changes within the Board itself. Firstly, I would like to congratulate Mr Shaun Smith on having been formally appointed to the role of Managing Director of the Authority. Shaun has held significant leadership roles in the Authority over the last three years and has been instrumental in driving the development of the operational communications strategy.
In addition to Shaun joining the Board as Managing Director, I would like to thank the four new members that were appointed to the Board in 2014. Ms Liz Ward, Ms Kylie De Courteney, Ms Kaaren Koomen and Mr Anthony Lean, as well as those existing Board members who were reappointed during the year, have provided valuable contributions during 2014. I look forward to working with the Board and management of the Authority as we continue to drive our reform agenda into 2015.
The Board planning day held in November was very constructive, with the Minister for Finance and Services, Dominic Perrottet MP, attending to provide strategic insight on the operational communications strategy. I would particularly like to acknowledge the Minister’s interest and support of the Authority’s program for reform. Key strategic partners also presented to the Board on their vision for the long-term future of the sector.
Finally, I would like to thank all those agencies that provided feedback in relation to the consultation draft of the NSW Government Operational Communications Strategy. Where appropriate, the Authority has incorporated feedback into the strategy or sought further discussions with relevant agencies. The Authority will continue to consult with agencies throughout the finalisation of the strategy prior to its submission to government.
I wish all our stakeholders and partners a happy and safe festive season. I look forward to a busy and productive 2015.
Rod Gilmour
Chairperson, NSW Telco Authority