This announcement was followed by an NSW Procurement Board direction released on 1 October, further supporting the Authority’s role in the procurement of radio communications equipment and services to ensure that Agencies are in line with the whole of government direction.
The NSW Government Operational Communications Strategy will set out the key operating models, principles and actions required to improve service delivery to frontline emergency and public safety workers, rationalise government radio communications assets and deliver value to the NSW Government over the next ten years.
In order to ensure that the Authority has the right information for informed decision making, the Authority has been working to finalise a number of projects that will provide significant input into the long-term strategy. These projects identified the benefits that can be realised by taking a more integrated approach and how technology and services will evolve and change over time.
The long-term strategy will be based on the outcomes from these projects and consultation undertaken with a variety of government radio users while ensuring it is in line with the strategic direction provided by the Board, and the NSW Government.
Throughout the development of these projects, the advice and assistance of stakeholder agencies have been instrumental and I would like to thank all stakeholder agencies that have provided input and resources over the past 18 months. Your continued engagement will best position us to develop and implement an effective long-term strategy.
I recently invited the heads of the five public safety agencies to a roundtable discussion to get their direct input into the proposed strategic direction. The Authority and I gained significant insight during this executive forum that will help frame the long-term strategy.
The Authority will shortly be undertaking further consultation with stakeholders, with the release of an exposure draft for agencies to comment on prior to the final strategy being delivered to the Board and the NSW Government.
Rod Gilmour
Chairperson, NSW Telco Authority