Strict guidelines around the marketing and labelling of foods containing low THC hemp will be in place, following the approval of hemp for sale as food by the Australia and New Zealand Ministerial Forum on Food Regulation.
The guidelines prevent any suggestions of psychoactive or therapeutic effects and branding that links illicit cannabis and any reference to the presence of cannabidiol (CBD).
The decision also imposes strict limits on the levels of THC and CBD in hemp foods.
Low THC hemp has health benefits for consumers, containing a near-perfect ratio of Omega 3 and Omega 6 and high levels of protein.
NSW Minister for Primary Industries Niall Blair said this was exciting news for the hemp industry, allowing it to continue to thrive.
“Low THC hemp is legally already grown in NSW under strict licensing conditions and it is a hardy and sustainable crop that has enormous potential for both domestic and export markets,” Mr Blair said.
“It’s already sold legally in more than 21 developed countries including the USA, Canada and the UK - it is now time for Australians to reap the benefits.”
Australian hemp growers are also developing drought resistant varieties for the domestic and international markets, to help improve its viability as a crop.