The guide will work hand-in-hand with the online NSW Planning Portal to provide faster housing approvals.
Designed in collaboration with a steering committee of councils, assessment-ready development applications (DAs) will create a more efficient assessment process.
The new guide will also help deliver one of the Premier’s Priorities of faster housing approvals, with a target of 90 per cent of approvals to be determined within 40 days.
Minister for Planning and Housing Anthony Roberts said the guide had been tested in a pilot project that showed when best practice processes are applied, determination times improve.
“The DA process is a key link in the housing supply chain and impacts on how efficiently new housing can be delivered to the market,” Mr Roberts said.
“We’ve used current best practice in councils to develop the guide, with the focus on delivering a high level of service to council customers prior to lodgement, by ensuring they have an assessment-ready DA,” Mr Roberts said.
A review of the guide will take place in six months, which will allow councils to evaluate the guidelines and provide feedback.
Learn more about the Premier’s Priority for faster housing approvals.