The NSW Government has given planning approval for Australian Industrial Energy to construct the gas terminal at Port Kembla.
The new terminal will accommodate Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) carrier ships, a floating LNG handling facility, wharf infrastructure and a pipeline to connect to the existing NSW east coast gas network nearby.
Once operational, the terminal could supply 70 per cent of the state's annual gas demand and help to ease the cost of energy bills for the 33,000 businesses and a million households in NSW that depend on natural gas.
With the creation of 150 jobs during construction and up to 50 ongoing roles once operational, the terminal is also a major boost for the economy.
Before approving the terminal, the NSW Government assessed the environmental, social and economic impacts identified by community, government and independent stakeholders.
Planning approval includes conditions to:
- manage impacts during the construction of the import terminal, including excavation and dredging activities in Port Kembla harbour and management of contaminated materials and acid sulphate soils
- manage hazards and risks associated with the operation of the LNG import facility and gas pipeline
- regulate and monitor air and water discharges from the project during construction and operations.
Minister for Energy and Environment Matt Kean said the Port Kembla gas terminal will be a game-changer for improving energy security and helping to ease energy costs.
“It could support gas-fired electricity generation in NSW and help make sure we have reliable electricity.”