The apps help customers to find the right bus stop nearby, where to buy a ticket and predict when buses will arrive based on the bus location from GPS.
Customers can plan ahead not just by looking at the timetable but see where buses are on their route and how far away they are.
Some of the apps alert customers to the next bus arriving at the most convenient stop, provide an estimated walk time, guide them to the street location, give real time alerts, live maps, and comparisons of similar transport options by convenience, cost and emissions.
The first three apps including real time bus information are TripView, TripGo and Arrivo Sydney. All three provide free ‘lite’ versions or come at a small cost to access all features. Apps can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.
The real time information will initially be available for State Transit services in the Sydney CBD, eastern suburbs, inner west, southern suburbs, north western suburbs, northern beaches and lower north shore. It is expected the service will be progressively expanded.
The apps, part of the NSW Government’s plans to provide real time public transport information for customers, contain real time data covering some 8,200 stops, more than 1,900 buses and almost 1,200 routes across the Sydney Bus Network.