The impact on an average customer of the price rise is approximately 50 cents a week, with fare adjustments to move in line with inflation:
- Limited 2.4 per cent CPI only increase to Opal fares
- Gold Opal remains at $2.50 all day travel
- Popular $2 ‘Transfer Discount’ to remain
- Child/Youth and Concession Opal card customers retain a ‘Transfer Discount’ of $1.
Changes to daily and weekly caps
| Weekday & Saturday | Sunday | Weekly |
| Current | New | Current | New | Current | New |
Adult | $15.00 | $15.40 | $2.50 | $2.60 | $60.00 | $61.60 |
Child/Youth | $7.50 | $7.70 | $2.50 | $2.60 | $30.00 | $30.80 |
Concession | $7.50 | $7.70 | $2.50 | $2.60 | $30.00 | $30.80 |
Compare old and new prices
Journey | Mode | Current price | Price from 3 July 2017 |
Penrith to Town Hall | Train (peak) | $6.46 | $6.61 |
Blacktown to Baulkham Hills | Bus | $4.50 | $4.61 |
Manly to Circular Quay | Ferry | $7.18 | $7.35 |
Dulwich Hill to Pyrmont Bay | Light Rail | $3.50 | $3.58 |
Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Andrew Constance said using public transport is still a much cheaper option than driving.
“Our transport network has proven to be an easy, convenient and reliable system and we’re continuing to see increased demand across all modes of transport,” Mr Constance said.
Find out more about the changes to Opal fares