Motorists are urged to stay safe and slow down on the state’s roads as Transport for NSW rolls out its latest version of the ‘Toward Zero’ road safety campaign.
Australia’s most famous maths teacher Eddie Woo, who is the face the two-week campaign, is using his love of numbers to explain the potentially devastating impact of speeding.
Speeding is the biggest killer on NSW roads, and drivers are urged to arrive at their destination safely over the Easter break by following the road rules and staying under the speed limit.
Mr Woo said his driving simulations demonstrate how even small increases in speed can have devastating results.
“You don’t need to be a mathematician to realise that an increase in speed means longer stopping times,” Mr Woo said.
Metropolitan Roads Minister for Natalie Ward said Mr Woo’s creative style in the social media campaign would resonate with drivers of all ages.
“Eddie Woo is a brilliant communicator and breaks down the hard facts of speeding with a simple message – the faster you go, the longer it takes to stop,” Mrs Ward said.
“His explanation of driving simulations in three short videos really demonstrate just how crucial it is to stick to the speed limit.”
Find out more on Transport for NSW’s Facebook page and YouTube channel.
Commuters are asked to avoid all non-essential travel and prepare for extreme delays and widespread cancellations as severe weather continues to impact NSW's rail network.