The King Georges Road Interchange Upgrade will begin 18 months early. The upgrade is part of Stage 2 of WestConnex, which will link the interchange with the newly widened M5.
Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight Duncan Gay said construction work would start in a matter of weeks and be completed in 2017.
“Of the 100,000 motorists that sit on the M5 every day, more than 40,000 get stuck waiting at King Georges Road interchange – the upgrade will cut travel times at this intersection alone by up to 50 per cent,” Mr Gay said.
Construction work will include widening and extending the eastbound on ramp and westbound off ramp between King Georges Road and the M5 East. The on ramp extension will see cars move onto the M5 East faster and reduce the current traffic delays that occur at King Georges Road.
The upgrade will create over 100 jobs during construction and is the forerunner to the delivery of a new M5, which will provide a tunnel from Beverly Hills to St Peters and widened lanes in each direction.
WestConnex Stages
Stage 1: Widen the M4 from Church Street at Parramatta to Homebush Bay Drive and extend the M4 via a tunnel under the Parramatta Road corridor to Parramatta Road and the City West Link, Haberfield.
Stage 2: Deliver a new M5 that runs from the existing M5 East corridor at Beverly Hills via a tunnel to St Peters, providing improved access to the airport, south Sydney and Port Botany precincts.
Stage 3: Join the M4 and M5 corridors in the middle to deliver a motorway tunnel with three lanes in each direction that joins the stage one and stage two.
For more information on the three stages visit the WestConnex website.