Make the move - case studies
Read the following stories from essential workers who have made the move to regional NSW:
Eldho's story
ICU Nurse, Griffith
Eldho relocated from the UK to Griffith and enjoys the benefits of living in regional NSW like the vibrant sense of community and more time for the things he loves.
After work, Eldho loves playing cricket and spending time in the sun with colleagues at the oval near the base hospital. Joining the local church has helped Eldho and his wife find a place in the Griffith community where they have been welcomed with open arms, making the transition so much easier.
“Everyone has been so welcoming. I instantly felt part of the community.”

Chris' story
Police Lockup Keeper, Corowa
Meet Chris, a police lockup keeper, who recently relocated to Corowa from the big smoke. Chris enjoys the benefits of a bigger house, more space and more time to spend on his passion for gardening.
Chris says the benefits of shorter commutes to work and more manageable rostered hours has given him a lovely balance between work and home.
“We've now got the space we always wanted for chickens and a veggie patch.”

Jason's story
Firefighter, Goulburn
Jason is a seasoned firefighter who relocated from the city back to his hometown in Goulburn NSW, to raise his family.
As a devoted family man, Jason values the skills his sons learn on the family farm and the unique upbringing seldom found in city life. The scenic countryside during his shorter commute, personal connections within the community through his work and the valuable time spent with family make Jason an advocate for regional living.
“I wanted my kids to have the same freedom to explore and roam that I did growing up.”

Jason, Firefighter, Goulburn - regional NSW, make the move

Regional NSW welcomes you
The Welcome Experience is an exciting new service providing essential workers and their families with the support they need to move into regional communities, settle in and become one of the locals.