Freight linkages

The NSW Government is committed to improving freight logistics and supply chain processes across regional NSW to help farmers and regional communities get the state’s world-class produce to domestic and international markets sooner.

apple crate

Background information

In 2019, the NSW Government commissioned an independent, pre-feasibility study into international air freight connectivity in regional NSW.

Findings from the study showed further investigation involving in-depth analysis of market demand and the supply chain, industry engagement and an economic, commercial and financial evaluation was required. 

You can read the Pre-feasibility Report or download the factsheet summarising the findings (PDF, 1.46 MB) 

The NSW Government carried out a 'Registration of Interest' (ROI) process to identify the key constraints faced by regional freight and supply chains and how these could be improved through enabling infrastructure.

The Registration of Interest closed on Wednesday 24 March 2021.

A fact sheet on the ROI process can be found below:

Snowy Hydro Legacy Fund Freight Registration of Interest factsheet (PDF, 1.5 MB)

Latest update

After careful consideration, the Department has concluded it will not proceed with any of the submissions received to its Freight Linkages Priority Registration of Interest (ROI) process, as the proposals submitted did not have the potential to make a transformative change to improving regional supply chain efficiencies, a core focus of the ROI. 

While we are unable to progress any submitted projects at this time, proponents whose projects better align with other NSW Government programs will be advised to ensure those opportunities can be developed further through a more appropriate pathway.


Next steps

The NSW Government remains committed to improving regional freight logistics and supply chain processes and will continue to investigate other freight investment opportunities under the Snowy Hydro Legacy Fund.

For more information, email: 

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