Our team and functions
Learn more about our team, governance and strategic priorities.
Our Chief Executive
Our Executive Team
Our team
Our 785 staff work across departments and functions including:
- People and Culture
- Nursing Midwifery and Clinical Governance
- Medical Services
- Clinical Operations
- Allied Health, Partnerships and Innovation
- Performance and Strategy
- Aboriginal Health and Community Relations
- Cancer and Palliative Care Services
- District and Remote Health Services
- Mental Health Drug Alcohol, Violence and Neglect Services

Our board
The Far West Local Health District Board has overall responsibility for the strategic direction and operational efficiency of our services and facilities. The Board communicates regularly with local and State public health stakeholders. Read more about the functions of the Board.
Our 10-member Board brings together a wealth of experience and local knowledge, to make sure our decisions meet the needs of our local communities.
Our reports and performance
The Far West LHD Board holds a public meeting each year, and publishes a Year In Review (PDF 6.04MB) report and financial statements.
Our Board and Chief Executive check our performance against our Service Agreement 2024-25 (PDF 1019.05KB) and make sure we are delivering services within an agreed budget, based on our Strategic Plan 2021-2026 (PDF 11.76MB).
FWLHD Budget Facility Files for FY24/25. (PDF 402.1KB)
For more information about the roles, responsibilities and procedures of local health districts, visit local health districts on the NSW Health website.
See the Far West Local Health District Corporate Governance Attestation Statement for 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022. (PDF 3.59MB)
See the NSW Health Annual Report for details about our activities over recent years, as well as those of the Ministry of Health and other Local Health Districts.
See the Health Promotion Annual Report 2020-2021 for an overview of what was achieved in Health Promotion (HP) across Far West LHD (FWLHD) and Western NSW LHD (WNSWLHD) during that time.
The FWLHD Privacy Management Annual Report 2022-2023 is produced by the Far West LHD in accordance with annual reporting requirements regarding privacy matters.
The FWLHD GIPA Annual Report 2024 is produced by the Far West LHD in accordance with annual reporting requirements.
Board meeting minutes
See below for Far West LHD Board meeting minutes from recent years. For more information or previous meetings, contact the Board Secretary on (08) 8080 1526.
Gifts of Government Property and Statutory Acts of Grace registers
Gifts of Government Property
The NSW Health Gifts of Government Property register is maintained to meet the requirements of the Treasurer's Direction TD21-04 'Gifts of government property', which specifies the circumstances in which a gift of government property may be made, ensures gifts are made in accordance with specified values and associated principles, and that agencies maintain a record of gifts made.
All NSW Health entities are required to certify the accuracy and completeness of the contents of this register. Where a NSW Health entity is not named within the register, it should be taken that the entity did not make any gifts of government property, greater than $10,000, during the period.
Statutory Acts of Grace
The NSW Health Statutory Acts of Grace register is maintained to meet the requirements of the Treasury Circular TC22-01 'Statutory Act of Grace Payments', which specifies the circumstances in which a payment may be made, explains the power to delegate and requires GSF agencies to maintain a record of the payments made.
All NSW Health entities are required to certify the accuracy and completeness of the contents of this register. Where a NSW Health entity is not named within the register, it should be taken that the entity did not make any statutory acts of grace payments during the period.
The registers can be found on the NSW Health website: Gifts of Government Property and Statutory Acts of Grace registers