About the program
Newpin is an intensive, centre-based family restoration program that helps parents build positive relationships with their children through a therapeutic approach.
The program is delivered by Uniting and draws on key elements of formal and informal group work, peer support and attachment-based relationship building to deliver parent education supports within a welcoming, safe and home-like environment.
Where we are now
In 2020, the Newpin social impact bond reached maturity after 7 years of operation. Over its term, Newpin restored 391 children to the care of their families, representing an overall restoration rate of 60.9%. This delivered a financial return to investors of 10.0% per annum.
Further details on the final results can be found in the Newpin Final Evaluation Report (PDF 3.3MB) and 2020 Annual Investor Report (PDF 3.17MB).
Newpin continues to be funded by the Department of Communities and Justice as a payment-by-results contract.
Key learnings
Programs need to adapt to the policy environment and changing needs of participants to ensure effectiveness.
The evaluation found that the Newpin model continued to be strengthened by evolving and responding to changing needs over time. This included responding to broader policy changes with the introduction of the Permanency Support Program (PSP). PSP focused on reducing the number of children entering out-of-home care and increased the number of services working with families, in turn reducing the need for the planned Newpin expansion.
With PSP impacting demand for Newpin, particularly preservation services, the program shifted at the end of the social impact bond to focus only on families seeking restoration. The Department of Communities and Justice and Uniting actively work to raise awareness of the program with caseworkers to support referrals.
Newpin also adapted its model to a non-gendered approach to work with both mothers and fathers in each centre. This change recognised the increasing number of fathers and couples seeking restoration and provided the opportunity to model healthy and respectful relationships.
- Newpin Evaluation Framework (PDF 1.94MB)
- Newpin Evaluation Implementation Report (PDF 4.5MB)
- Newpin Evaluation Annual Progress Report 2014 (PDF 1.98MB)
- Newpin Evaluation Annual Progress Report 2015 (PDF 2.07MB)
- Newpin Evaluation Interim Report 2016 (PDF 2.2MB)
- Newpin Second Interim Evaluation Report 2018 (PDF 2.32MB)
Newpin story
Newpin - Family and Community Services NSW
Newpin empowers families to break the cycle of child neglect and abuse and to provide safe, nurturing environments for children.