About speech pathology
Speech pathologists work with people of all ages who have communication and/or swallowing difficulties.
For information about speech pathology services or to find a speech pathology service near you, contact your local community health centre or visit the Speech Pathology Australia website.
Our services
Speech pathologists can help children with many areas of their communication.
These pages contain information about some of these areas, including speech, language, early literacy, paediatric feeding, stuttering, voice, multilingual resources and visiting a speech pathologist.






About these webpages
These webpages have been developed for families as part of a NSW Health Translational Research Grant titled “Waiting for speech pathology: Device versus advice?”.
Children sometimes have to wait to see a speech pathologist due to the high demand for services. These services pages provide information and resources for families and others to support children’s communication development in everyday situations, while they wait to see a speech pathologist.
These services pages are not intended to replace seeing a speech pathologist, but contain helpful information about what to do while you are waiting. You will also find information about what to expect from speech pathology services.
The team of speech pathologists who have developed this website in consultation with families and the public are: Emily Davis (NSW Health), Prof. Sharynne McLeod (Charles Sturt University), Katrina Rohr (NSW Health), Angela Roberts (NSW Health), Nicole McGill (Charles Sturt University), Katherine Miller (NSW Health), and Sally Thornton (NSW Health).
Find us on Facebook
Our speech pathology Facebook page offers information, practical tips and fun activities to do with children to help develop their speech, language, and literacy skills.