Medical conditions and fitness to drive

Learn how health conditions can affect your licence and safe driving in NSW. Find out how to get a medical assessment, eyesight test or report your concerns about someone’s ability to drive.

Medical conditions, illness and injury

Find out what you need to know to drive safely in NSW if you have a medical condition, illness or injury that may affect your driving.

Getting a medical assessment for Fitness to Drive

To get, keep or renew a driver or rider licence in NSW, you may need to organise a medical assessment.

Eyesight tests for driver and rider licensing

Find out about having an eyesight test when you apply for a licence or when your eyesight changes.

Licence suspension, cancellation, variation and refusal

Some medical conditions may result in your licence being changed or removed. Find out how to appeal changes to your licence.

Worried about someone's ability to drive?

If you are worried about someone's ability to drive, find out what you can do to help.

Licence conditions on medical advice

Do you have a health condition or injury affecting your driving? Rather than surrender your licence, you may be able to get conditions added to your licence.

Transport for NSW - Roads

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