Video 1: Are you really a friend?
Join us in a mask-making project and learn how easy it is for anyone to pretend to be someone else in our digital world. Students at school and learning at home, can join in fun play and hands-on activities with Reid and Ted to:
- make a mask to learn about stranger danger when online
- ask a trusted adult for help if unsure about someone online.
Video 2: Super secret password!
Play along to learn how to create strong passwords to protect important information and devices in our digital world. Students at school and learning at home, can join in fun play and hands-on activities with Reid and Ted to:
- use secret questions and answers to help you create a password using letters and numbers
- learn why you should not share your passwords.
Video 3: Being kind to others online
Watch Ted and Rhi talk about how to handle negative comments and feeling hurt by chats online. Join in their game to explore your own feelings and reactions to what others say to you. Do you know how to be kind online?
Video 4 : Phishing is fishy business
There are online tricksters and scammers out there trying to steal your information. How can we avoid getting tricked into doing something that could harm us? Do you know about phishing and how to be safe?
Transcript for video (PDF, 20.72 KB)

How We Got Cyber Smart Read Along with the Author Lisa Rothfield-Kirschner
Video 5: Storytime - how we got cyber smart
Listen to Lisa read her story of how Olivia and Jack learnt to be safe when they were faced with a rude person while playing a game online. Their parents helped them learn how they could block such people. Do you know how to be safe online?
More resources for families to help with having positive conversations at home about online safety
Video 6: Jack changes the game (AUSLAN)
Listen to Tess Rowley read her book for children aged 5 to 8-years-old to learn about being safer online.
In the book, Jack meets a new online friend through his favourite game. Before too long, ‘Footy Boy’ starts asking Jack for things that make him uneasy. Jack starts to wonder if ‘Footy Boy’ is the person he claims to be. Should Jack tell someone? What will happen if he does?
The picture book (from ThinkUknow and Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation) will help children recognise the signs of online grooming, how to get help and the importance of telling a trusted adult.

Jack Changes the Game - Book reading by author Tess Rowley (Auslan)
Disclaimer: Cyber playtime videos have been developed by Palo Alto Networks and Lisa Rothfield-Kirschner author of ‘How we got cyber smart’ and provided to the NSW Department of Education for educational use in the Cybermarvel program.
More Cybermarvel resources
Virtual classrooms for primary and interactive challenges for high schools.
Get your students to prepare a submission for this exciting challenge.