Helpful links
Curriculum Reform timeline
The Curriculum Reform timeline is available. Discover what new syllabuses are coming and when to implement them.

New NSW Curriculum syllabuses
Syllabuses available under the NSW Curriculum Reform are published on the NSW Curriculum. Use this page to quickly access the new syllabuses.

Information on Curriculum Reform
About the Curriculum Reform
Learn why and how we're reforming the NSW Curriculum.
Have your say
Find out how to provide feedback on our draft syllabuses.
Curriculum Reform News
Find the latest news in Curriculum Reform.
Stay informed with the NSW Curriculum Reform newsletter
Subscribe to the NSW Curriculum Reform newsletter for all the latest news on the reform.
Get in contact with NESA
You can contact NESA by phone or post.
Call: +61 2 9367 8111
NSW Education Standards Authority
PO Box 5300
Sydney NSW 2001
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