NESA oversees the Higher School Certificate (HSC) and provides HSC support for students and schools.

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We're improving our online experience so it's easier for you to find and read content

Improvements are being made in stages as we migrate content to nsw.gov.au/NESA. This will have no impact on the information available to you.  

Read About the HSC, check out the Student guide, and find information on Results and certificates, and Rules and procedures.

Leave your feedback about the new site on our feedback form.

About the HSC

Read more about the numbers and history behind the HSC to understand its significance in NSW.

Learn about the HSC

3 students at their desk and writing in their exam booklets. They are wearing a navy, white and grey school uniform.

Setting students up for success

Choosing HSC subjects

Students doing the HSC should select courses that align with their abilities, passions and future aspirations. Find out more information on types of HSC courses, HSC course requirements and HSC pathways. 

All My Own Work

All My Own Work helps students follow the principles and practices of good scholarship and academic integrity.

HSC minimum standard

All students must reach a minimum standard of functional literacy and numeracy to receive the HSC. Find out what skills are needed to meet the standard, how the tests work, and the resources available.

HSC exams information and support

Exams and marking

NESA carefully regulates the development and marking of HSC exams in NSW to ensure quality and fairness. Find out about these processes and the principles they are based on.

Student guide

Students doing the HSC can learn more about exam preparation, understand essential exam question keywords, and read more on student wellbeing.

Disability provisions

Disability provisions in the HSC are practical arrangements that help students who couldn't otherwise make a fair attempt to show what they know in an exam room.

HSC Key Dates

Find important details and dates for the Higher School Certificate (HSC) including exams and submissions for Schools Online.

Rules and procedures

There are rules and procedures that every student must follow when it comes to HSC exams and other assessments. Read more on these, approved exam equipment, and how to apply for illness and misadventure.

Results and certificates

Get to know the HSC and other credentials that NESA issues. Find out about how to access results services, replace lost certificates or apply for a statement of equivalence.

Student exam glossary

Find the key words that frequently appear in HSC exam questions. Understanding these terms will assist you to better prepare for your exams.


two girls on an ipad

HSC facts and figures

Each year NESA takes a snapshot of HSC students' enrolments, participation, provisions and malpractice statistics. Learn about the most recent HSC student cohort, or view cohorts from previous years.


A female high school student in school uniform works on a science project in the classroom.

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Subscribe to NESA newsletters for all the latest news, media releases and official notices.


Get in contact with NESA

You can contact NESA by phone or post

Call: +61 2 9367 8111

NSW Education Standards Authority
PO Box 5300
Sydney NSW 2001

Stay connected

Keep in touch by following NESA on social media.

For more information on how to contact a specific team or make a complaint, visit NESA's contact us page.

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