Notice information
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- Learning Area
- Creative arts, HSIE, Languages, Mathematics, PDHPE, Science
- Stages
- Stage 6 (Years 11 and 12)
Find out about new school-based assessment requirements, and sample assessment schedules.
New school-based assessment requirements, and new sample assessment schedules, for all Stage 6 Creative Arts, HSIE, Languages, calculus-based Mathematics, PDHPE and Technologies courses are now available.
The review of school-based assessment requirements in these courses does not require amendments to the current syllabuses or impact on current course HSC Examination Specifications.
In February 2017, NESA released new Stage 6 syllabuses and school-based assessment requirements for English, Mathematics Standard, Science and History.
Implementation of new school-based assessment requirements for all Stage 6 Board Developed Courses (excluding Life Skills, VET and Content Endorsed Courses) will commence with Year 11 from Term 1, 2018 and Year 12 from Term 4, 2018.
The new requirements reflect the HSC minimum standard reforms and provide a consistent approach to school-based assessment for all Stage 6 courses.
New requirements for all Stage 6 courses include:
Further information regarding Principles of Assessment for Stage 6 (PDF 189.01KB) and the background to changes to Stage 6 assessment is available on the NESA website.
For more information, contact:
Brooke Prideaux
Principal Project Officer
(02) 9367 8274