NSW Fair Trading is moving to nsw.gov.au
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Loose-fill Asbestos Program
The Loose-fill Asbestos Program is available to NSW residents whose homes have been confirmed to contain loose-fill asbestos insulation.
The NSW Government has determined that demolition, comprehensive site remediation and disposal is the best way to ensure the health and safety of the NSW community
When an affected property is purchased or demolished under the program, NSW Fair Trading supports homeowners through the entire process.
The Program
There are options available if your home has tested positive for loose-fill asbestos insulation to have your property demolished and remediated.
Testing your property
Homeowners can arrange their own private sample testing by a licensed asbestos assessor and an accredited laboratory test, to detect loose-fill asbestos insulation.
Remediation and demolition
The only way to completely remove loose-fill asbestos insulation in the home is through demolition of the building and remediation of the land.
Loose-fill Asbestos Insulation register
The Loose-fill Asbestos Insulation register is a record of homes in NSW that have tested positive and confirmed by NSW Fair Trading to contain loose-fill asbestos. The Home Building Act 1989 requires the NSW Government to maintain the register

Learn more about loose-fill asbestos insulation
About loose-fill asbestos insulation
Loose-fill asbestos (also known as friable asbestos) is raw crushed asbestos, which was installed as ceiling insulation in an unknown number of pre-1980s NSW homes. Find out more about loose-fill asbestos insulation and helpful resources.
Working in pre-1980 homes
Safety is always a priority. If you're working on or in a pre-1980 built home, make sure to check if loose-fill asbestos insulation is present before starting or quoting work.
Loose-fill asbestos laws and regulations
Loose-fill asbestos insulation laws
Several laws were introduced to identify properties affected by loose-fill asbestos insulation and to protect residents, workers and communities.
Mandatory tagging
If a property contains loose-fill asbestos insulation and has been added to the LFAI register, a warning sign must be displayed on the main switchboard.
Contact NSW Fair Trading
Online: Complaints and enquiries
Phone: 13 32 20 (Monday to Friday, 8:30am-5pm)
In-person: find a service centre