The Greater Parramatta Priority Growth Area and the 20-year plan will deliver more homes, jobs, open space and services to cater for the city’s growing population.
New employment opportunities will be created with jobs varying from smart jobs to creative and service industries, with 16,500 new jobs at Sydney Olympic Park and 30,000 at the health and education knowledge hub of Westmead.
Covering more than 3400 hectares, the growth area incorporates 12 precincts which will undergo an urban transformation:
- Westmead
- Parramatta North
- Parramatta CBD
- Harris Park and Rosehill
- Rydalmere
- Carlingford Corridor (including Telopea and Dundas)
- Silverwater
- Camellia
- Sydney Olympic Park and Carter Street
- Homebush
- Parramatta Road
- Wentworth Point.
Minister for Planning and Housing Anthony Roberts said this growth is just the beginning for Greater Parramatta.
“We also aim to create 110,000 new jobs by growing the knowledge economy along the corridor that will be serviced by the Parramatta light rail and Sydney Metro West,” Mr Roberts said.
“By growing Parramatta we are creating an opportunity for people in Sydney to live closer to where they work and spend more time with family than commuting.”
Find out more about the Parramatta Priority Growth Area plans