The NSW Government and NSW Rural Fire Service is inviting public feedback on a draft Code of Practice for the new 10/50 laws giving residents in designated bushfire areas additional powers to protect their homes.
The new laws allow people to clear trees within 10 metres of their home, school or business. They can also clear shrubs and other vegetation, except for trees, within 50 metres of their home.
NSW Minister for Police and Emergency Services Stuart Ayres said the new laws allowed homeowners to take necessary steps to prepare their property in case of a bushfire.
“Last summer we saw the devastating impact of bushfire. The new rules ensure we cut the red tape for residents whose homes are located in designated areas close to bushland, so they can clear trees and vegetation from their property,” Mr Ayres said.
The rules also apply to high-risk facilities such as schools, child care centres and hospitals in designated zones.
The NSW Rural Fire Service will determine the locations of the designated bushfire zone areas – known as a 10/50 vegetation clearing entitlement area.
A Code of Practice supports the laws, and is available for public comment. The code's consultation period closes 21 July.
At the conclusion of the consultation period, the laws will be gazetted and come into effect. Until then, existing restrictions apply.
Have your say on the new Bushfire Protection laws.