Support and connect with your community by joining the NSW Seniors Card program

Once registered, your offer will be accessible to seniors searching for discounts in their area.
Currently over 60's makeup 22% of the NSW population* and will be an even greater part of the population in the years ahead.
Around 90% of seniors in NSW proudly carry the Seniors Card or its sister card, the Senior Savers Card.
They use the card frequently - and prefer to shop with businesses that honour it.
*Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, June 2020

Seniors Card - Christine's Story
3 ways you can get your business on board
It’s easy, free and it opens the door to a host of new business opportunities.
To participate, you need an ABN or ACN, and agree to offer an approved discount or benefit to NSW Seniors Card members.
In return you’ll get a free listing on the Seniors Card digital map - and lots more opportunities to promote your business to our members.
See participation terms & conditions (PDF 68.82KB)
A limited number of opportunities are available for strategic partners who appreciate the business value of a deep relationship with Seniors Card and our card holders.
If you’re one of these far-sighted companies - talk with us about a partnership package of tailored benefits, communications and activities to further your specific business priorities.
Contact the Seniors Card team on 02 8753 9908 or email to explore your partnership opportunities.
Want to get even more value out of your participation? Join the smart businesses who promote directly to members through a host of effective channels.
- Direct mail
- eDM
- New member welcome pack inserts
- EXTRA eNews advertorials
- Website
- Member surveys
- Events