Specialist Palliative Care
Our Specialist Palliative Care teams, based in Broken Hill and Buronga, provide regular face-to-face and virtual care appointments in communities across the Far West. We work in partnership with other health professionals across the district to ensure that people can access palliative care support when and where they need it. Services are contactable 24 hours to support patients and carers in their homes.
Depending on your needs, palliative care services can be provided by:
Palliative Care Nurses
Palliative Care Doctors
Aboriginal Health Workers
Allied Health providers such as Dieticians, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Social Workers and Bereavement Counsellors
No referral is required to access most palliative care services; however, the patient must agree to the referral. A doctor's referral is required to see a Palliative Care Doctor.
The Far West LHD’s Specialist Palliative Care teams gratefully accept any donations to help support their services to the community. This money remains local and is used to purchase equipment or services to support Palliative Care patients and their carers.
To Donate to the Specialist Palliative Care services, please use the below link and follow the prompts to help support the Far West Local Health Districts Palliative Care Services.
Far West Palliative Care Donations - CLICK HERE.

Contact us
The Broken Hill Specialist Palliative Care team is based in Broken Hill Hospital.
- Opening hours: 8am to 4pm 7 days a week
- Phone: (08) 8080 1300 and ask for palliative care
The Buronga Specialist Palliative Care team is based at the Buronga HealthOne facility.
- Opening hours: 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
- Phone: (03) 5021 7200 and ask for palliative care
After hours on-call services may be available by arrangement for patients registered with the Specialist Palliative Care service.
Palliative Care Volunteers
We also train and support volunteers to help us improve quality of life for patients at home or in hospital. See how to volunteer with us and find out more about the Palliative Care NSW Volunteer Hub if you’d like to become a volunteer.
Related information
See the Far West Palliative Model of Care for more information for patients, carers and health professionals.
Download our Practical Assistance When Someone Dies brochure (PDF 7.13MB).