About The Premier's Department
The Premier’s Department is a strong central agency that leads the NSW public sector and meaningfully connects with the community.
The department’s purpose is: Connecting to deliver from the heart of government.
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About the Premier's Department
The Premier’s Department and the Cabinet Office commenced operations on 1 July 2023 as separate but complementary agencies at the centre of government, replacing the Department of Premier and Cabinet.
The Premier’s Department leads the state’s 430,000 public servants, driving collaboration and the delivery of whole-of-government priorities.
The Premier’s Department:
- Leads the NSW public service by fostering a culture of service and collaboration, promoting strong public sector performance and promoting the voice of Aboriginal people and communities across the sector.
- Ensures a whole of government response to urgent issues and crises by coordinating cross-agency responses to support our communities when they need it most.
- Delivers government priorities and election commitments, including complex, multi-agency projects.
Our people and structure
The Premier’s Department is made up of five groups:
- Delivery & Engagement Group
- People & Workforce Group
- Aboriginal Affairs NSW
- Corporate Services
- Investment NSW
Read a summary of the Premier’s Department and Groups here (PDF 573.98KB)
Our values
- Consider people equally without prejudice or favour.
- Act professionally with honesty, consistency and impartiality.
- Take responsibility for situations, showing leadership and courage.
- Place the public interest over personal interest.
- Appreciate difference and welcome learning from others.
- Build relationships based on mutual respect.
- Uphold the law, institutions of government and democratic principles.
- Communicate intentions clearly and invite teamwork and collaboration.
- Provide apolitical and non-partisan advice.
- Provide services fairly with a focus on customer needs.
- Be flexible, innovative and reliable in delivering services.
- Engage with the not-for-profit and business sectors to develop and implement service solutions.
- Focus on quality while maximising service delivery.
- Recruit and promote employees on merit.
- Take responsibility for decisions and actions.
- Provide transparency to enable public scrutiny.
- Observe standards for safety.
- Be fiscally responsible and focus on efficient, effective and prudent use of resources.