Premier's Department tabled documents Occasionally other documents are tabled in Parliament concerning the Premier's Department. Released informationThe Premier's Department was established 1 July 2023.There are no tabled documents to display at this time. Access to information Policy documents Tabled documents Premier's Department disclosure log Office of the Premier disclosure log Annual Reports Advertising compliance certificates Agency Information Guide Open access information not available Access Application Form NSW Machinery of Government changes guide Gifts and Hospitality Register Premier and minister's staff numbers Gifts of government Ministerial overseas travel information Former government overseas travel NSW Bushfire Inquiry NSW Bushfire Inquiry report NSW Independent Bushfire Inquiry – Terms of Reference Bushfire Inquiry submissions 0 to 200 Bushfire Inquiry submissions 201 to 400 Bushfire Inquiry submissions 401 to 600 Bushfire Inquiry submissions 601 to 800 Bushfire Inquiry submissions 801 to 972 Public support for former office holders Premier and Ministers’ Domestic Travel Last updated: 1 July 2023