Premier's Department policy documents

Policy documents are those that guide our decisions, actions and procedures in fulfilling our public functions.

The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (the GIPA Act) requires that all of the department’s current policy documents be made available on this website (unless there are overriding public interest reasons why that cannot be done).

Many policy documents that apply to the department take the form of, or are issued as, Premier’s Memoranda and Departmental Circulars.

Released information

Code of Conduct (PDF 337.12KB)

External Complaints Handling Policy (PDF 309.99KB)

Fraud and Corruption Control Policy (PDF 332.1KB)

Gifts and Hospitality Policy (PDF 217.36KB)

Legislative Compliance Framework (PDF 111.2KB)

Public Interest Disclosure Policy (PDF 356.66KB)

Purchasing Card Policy (PDF 180.02KB)

Records Management Policy (PDF 129.39KB)

Risk Management Policy (PDF 441.96KB)






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