Our services
Aboriginal health
Learn about the District-wide and customised programs and services we offer for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Aged care services
There are different types of aged care services. Learn more about our supports and services to help manage your day-to-day living activities.
Alcohol and other drugs
Find information, support and treatment for you and your family if you are affected by alcohol and other drugs related issues.
Allied health
Allied health provides a wide range of professional services to support your physical, mental and social health and wellebing.
Cancer services
We offer a range of cancer services to help you and your family. Where possible, services are provided locally to maximise patient access and minimise travel from home.
Child and family health
Southern NSW LHD provides services for families, children, and young people in different settings, including community health centres, homes, and schools.
Chronic disease management
Chronic health conditions can be debilitating and life limiting. We aim to provide the right care for patients with a diagnosed chronic condition.
Community Health Central Intake Service
Our dedicated Central Intake team can help you connect with the right community health services to improve your wellbeing.
Dental (oral) health services
Southern NSW LHD provides a range of free dental services for eligible patients.
Healthy living
We want to help you work towards achieving a healthy lifestyle. Find advice, tips and tools to help with your health and wellbeing.
Immunisation and vaccination
Our Public Health Unit provides support and advice to immunisation providers across Southern NSW.
Infectious diseases
Our Public Health Unit helps identify, monitor, investigate and control infectious diseases in our local communities.
Lung (respiratory) rehabilitation services
Do you have a lung condition such as emphysema or asthma? Our respiratory services provide assessments, education, support and programs that may assist you.
Medical imaging
We provide a range of radiology services to the community, encompassing x-ray, ultrasound, dental, and imaging procedures.
Mental health services
We provide mental health services for children, adolescents, adults and older people. If you (or someone in your family) are affected by mental health issues, we are here to help you.
Palliative care
We provide services and support in palliative care to improve the quality of life for people diagnosed with life-limiting or terminal illnesses.
Pathology services
Our pathologists collaborate with scientists, technicians, and support staff to quickly and accurately analyse samples.
Pregnancy birth and baby
We provide many pathways for you to receive maternity care, offering options for both before and after your baby is born.
Public health services
We work closely with communities as well as GPs, hospitals, pathology labs, schools and childcare centres, local councils, aged care facilities, and others to protect public health.
Sexual health services
Our clinic staff provide free testing, management, support and treatment for sexually transmissible infections (STIs) in a safe and private space.
Surgical services
We aim to provide a seamless and person-centred surgery journey to those seeking care in our hospitals.
Violence, abuse and neglect services
Violence, abuse, and neglect are big problems in our community, affecting people from different backgrounds. Our services are here to help and support you.
Virtual care (telehealth)
Virtual care (telehealth) uses video or phone technology to provide patients with a convenient means of connecting with healthcare professionals.
Women's health services
We offer a wide range of health services for women, starting from the teenage years and continuing through all stages of life.